Volume 8 Chapter 7

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(Onyx's POV)

The four of us stop running as we managed to infiltrate this massive creature.

Yang: Well... that was harrowing.

Onyx: We're in... But we're not in the clear yet.

Jaune: Yeah, we still have to search this whole thing and find Oscar before the Ace Ops blow us to pieces.

Yang: But that's the thing... how are we supposed to find Oscar here? It's like finding a needle in a...  giant whale. Why exactly did you think this was a good idea, Onyx?

Onyx: Because I would rather be here, at least trying to make an effort at something, than be stuck inside a fucking cell. I'm sure you would agree, Yang.

Yang: (sigh) Fair point. 

Ren: With regards to finding Oscar... I might be able to help. I can sense spikes of peoples emotions, it happened in Winter's ship. If I can focus my Aura, I can keep it up.

Yang: (surprised) Okay, that's new... Maybe one of them is Oscar?

Ren: I can sort of tell where they are, but not who. They're more or less in the same area though, further in... I can lead.

Onyx: Ren...

Ren stops and looks at me.

Onyx: You know you don't have to drain yourself right? You got help right here.

I say that as I push Jaune towards Ren.

Ren: Yeah, good thinking... thanks.

Jaune: Alright... (awkwardly points forward) Lead the way.

Ren starts walking ahead while the rest of us follow.

Yang: Hey Onyx, I was wondering, can't you sense people with your Pure Eye?

Onyx: I don't think I can... But I'll try.

I close my right eye as the slight burning sensation in that specific eye means that Pure Eye has been activated. Upon opening said eye, I look around the area and notice that I can manage to see through walls right next to us or within my field of vision. I look in the direction where Ren is facing and I don't see anyone at all even further down the hallway.

Onyx: ("I can see through some of these walls... But my range isn't far, only about fifteen to twenty metres or so. Then again, I don't remember being able to see through walls before.")

Yang then looks at me and stares at me intently, causing me to sweat drop.

Yang: ("His Pure Eye... it has a visible black pupil now.")

Onyx: Yang? What's wrong?

Yang: It's nothing... Just... admiring your Pure Eye.

She says that while giggling.

Onyx: (chuckles) Thanks... I guess.

Jaune: Anyways, did you see anything, Onyx?

Onyx: Pure Eye's range is less than Ren's emotion range. I can see through some of these walls but I couldn't see where Ren said those figures are. (deactivates Pure Eye) Guess Pure Eye is more for combat than for sensing.

Jaune: (sigh) Oh well. Let's keep going.

(Third Person POV)

Meanwhile, in the torture chambers, Oscar Pine lays down on the ground, still battered and bruised.

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