Volume 7 Chapter 5

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Inside the Atlas Academy dorms, Team RWBY peacefully sleep in their beds in their dorm room. That's about to change when Penny suddenly appears.

Penny: Salutations!!

This action wakes the whole team up as they scream.


Penny: Good morning RWBY!

Yang: Ah.. Penny, what time is it even?

Penny: Time to be huntresses, of course!

Weiss, Blake and Yang groan while Ruby scream in excitement.

Ruby: YAHOO!!

Penny: Anyway, I need to go wake up Onyx and Kelly next door. You wanna come with?

RWBY: Yes...

The five of them exit the room and enter Onyx's dorm nearby. There they see Onyx sleeping in his bottom bunk bed with Kelly cuddling up next to him, earning slightly jealous looks from Team RWBY, which Penny notices.

Penny: Are you... jealous?

RWBY: No....

Penny: (John Cena voice) Are you sure about that?

RWBY: M-Maybe...

Penny laughs as she walks over to Onyx's bed as she takes a deep breath.


Onyx and Kelly: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Onyx jumps up from his bed as he headbutts the bed above him.

Onyx: OWWW!

Kelly meanwhile, then by instinct hugs Onyx shaking in slight fear, making Team RWBY jealous even more.

Onyx: P-Penny?

Penny: Good morning best friend! How was your sleep?

Onyx: I-It was great... ("I mean Kelly kept on kissing my face before we fell asleep.")

Penny: How about you, Kelly? How was your sleep?

Kelly: It was nice, very comfortable...

As Kelly was saying that, she kept on glancing towards Onyx, shyly, which Team RWBY spots as they approach Onyx.

RWBY: Did you do anything last night?

Onyx: N-No we didn't do anything, I swear!

RWBY: .... No... stop lying...

Onyx: We.... (blush) We may have made out.....


Around 10pm the night before

Onyx is shown changing into the Atlas Academy sleeping attire, with Kelly facing the other way.

Onyx: Ok I'm done...

Kelly continues facing the other way, which confuses Onyx.

Onyx: Kelly?

Kelly: U-Um Onyx? I-I wanna try something...

Onyx blushes as he assumes that Kelly wants to do the "thing". But he decides to play dumb.

Onyx: Um sure... what is it?

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