Volume 3 Chapter 7

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At the docks outside of Beacon. Air buses are seen picking up the last few civilians and students. Professor Port and Doctor Oobleck oversee the evacuation.

Port: That's it! Everybody on board! This is a mandatory evacuation!

Oobleck: A safe zone has been establishes in Vale! Please, remain calm and listen to Atlas personnel!

Weiss stares at what is in front of her, in disbelief. As Ruby comes running down the path, Zwei barks at Weiss to alert her of Ruby's presence. Weiss turns around to greet her.

Weiss: Ruby!

Ruby: Oh, I found you!

Weiss: Ruby, where have you-

Ruby: Don't worry, I'm fine! What's going on?

Weiss lowers her gaze sadly.

Ruby: Weiss? What is it?

Weiss steps aside, giving Ruby a clear view of Blake and Yang lying on the ground. Both girls have bandages wrapped around their wounds, and Yang is unconscious. Behind them sit Nora and Ren, who are too battered and bruised to fight. Blake reaches over and places her hand on Yang's

Blake: I'm sorry. (She gets tears in her eyes)

Ruby reaches out and opens her mouth to say something, but nothing comes out.

Blake: (curls up, closing her eyes) I'm so sorry.

Ruby: Yang...

Sun: (walking over) Hey. She's gonna be okay. The soldiers have a ship ready to take you guys to Vale.

Nora: But Jaune and Pyrrha are still missing.

Nora tries to stand, but she quickly sits back down, groaning and holding her side.

Ruby: What!?

Sun: Look, guys, that giant Grimm is circling the school! Even the White Fang are pulling out! We all have to go, now!

Ren: We're not... leaving (stands up, but then falls to his knees) Ugh!

Sun turns and casts a worried look at Blake.

Onyx: Don't worry.

Everyone turns to Onyx, who looks extremely exhausted, has 3 wounds in his body from the spears that pierced him, all accompanied by multiple cuts around his body and legs.

Ruby: You're bleeding...

Everyone looks at Onyx's wounds with a shocked expression.

Onyx: I'll be fine. (faces Beacon Academy) I'll go fine Pyrrha and Jaune. While you guys get out of her.

Ruby: I'll come with you!

Onyx: What?!

Weiss: No! We will come with you. (she turns to Nora and Ren) Watch after Blake and Yang. We'll be back.

The two turn to Onyx with determined looks on their faces, as Onyx sighs in defeat.

Onyx: Alright then. Let's go!

Ruby, Onyx and Weiss run back towards Beacon Academy, while Sun watches them go.

Sun: You better be! Idiots.

Ruby: (running) H-How did you get those cuts?

Onyx: Fought with Reaper again!

Weiss and Ruby: Reaper?!

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