Volume 7 Chapter 9

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Onyx's POV

Weiss and I have finished watching the footage as we look at each other.

Weiss: I knew my father was up to something...

Onyx: But who was that man?

Weiss: I've never seen him before.

I grabs Weiss' hand making her blush.

Weiss: Onyx?

Onyx: We have to show the councillors before things get worse with the General.

Weiss: (blushing) R-Right...

I give her a quick peck on the lips making her face turn red as she recomposes herself. She then hugs me tightly.

Weiss: (smiles sweetly) I love you...

Onyx: Love you too..

She breaks off from the hug as we rush out of the room, with the scroll containing the footage in one hand, while holding Weiss' hand in the other. We head back down to the area where everyone is as they approach us.

Ruby: What did you guys find?

Onyx: Something... controversial. And this evidence will definitely call Jacques' seat in the council into question.

Kelly: Ok good.

Weiss: Come on Onyx. We have to go.

Onyx: Right. I'll see you guys later.

Weiss and I continue our way to the dining room.

Weiss: Hey Onyx...

Onyx: Yeah?

Weiss: Can I... kick the door open when we enter?

Onyx: Why?

Weiss: Because I've seen scenes in movies where they do that for dramatic effect. And something like this... I just felt would be so cool to do.

Onyx: Yeah sure.. Be my guest.

We arrive outside the door as Weiss prepares to front kick the door.

Onyx: Go for it snowflake.

Weiss: Hiyah!

Weiss kicks the door open attracting the attention of everyone in the dining room.

Weiss: Wait! You've got the wrong man on trial. I know who's been framing Ironwood.

Weiss and I approach Jacques.

Weiss: Who rigged the election. And my father does too... He's been working with him.

Weiss nods at me as I place the scroll down and show a hologram of the footage.

Councilwoman Camilla: Is that... Arthur Watts?

Councilman Sleet: (stands up) That's impossible! Doctor Watts died in the Paladin incident years ago.

Jacques: Wha-What is this?

Ironwood: (stands up) Play it.

I press the play button.

(start of footage)

Jacques: That bastard is costing me more money every day with this embargo! I'd lay off every employee in Mantle if it wasn't for their damn votes for this council seat!

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