Volume 1 Chapter 6 (Rewrite)

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(Onyx's POV)

An overhead shot shows the group running off to the forest and into another surrendered arrangement of structures as the Nevermore tails us from the air. We as a whole, spread out when it goes above us as we at that point hid ourselves behind a portion of the stone squares as it perches on a high column and caws.

Yang: Well that's just great!

Jaune looks behind as the Death Stalker bursts onto the scene.

Onyx: Oh shit! We gotta move!

We all emerge from our hiding spots, causing the Nevermore to rise up into the air.

Ren: Nora, distract it!

Nora obliges Ren's request as she runs out of her block and jumps through the feather projectiles before reaching behind her and launching several heart-topped shells from her grenade shells, bursting into pink electricity when they hit the Nevermore, and causing it to retreat. But she was unaware of the Death Stalker rushing up behind her until Blake and Ren perform cross-slash with their respective weapons, as I use a Thunder Flick to push back the Death Stalker. Weiss lands next to Nora so she could create a jumping platform beneath them and leap to safety while me, Blake and Ren are now being chased.

Pyrrha: Go, go!

Pyrrha meanwhile, stops running beside Jaune as she takes out her weapon and fires red shots along with Ren's green blasts for a second until it reaches the group and tries to swipe at them.

Onyx: Keep running!

The group follows what I say as the nine of us continue running, not noticing the Nevermore closing in on them until it uses its giant wings to completely shatter the path right in the middle.

Onyx: Well shit!

This causes Ruby, Weiss, Yang, Nora and Jaune closer to the central collection of columns while me, Blake, Ren and Pyrrha are on the other side with the Death Stalker. Ruby fires at the now retreating Nevermore while Blake gets pushed back by the Death Stalker.

Jaune comes to the edge of the break in the bridge.

Jaune: Man, we gotta get over there! They need help!

Nora runs up beside him.

Nora: Let's do this!

Jaune nervously looks down at the misty abyss.

Jaune: Yeah, but, uh... I can't make that jump.

Nora then smiles diabolically at him.

Nora: Who says you're gonna jump?

Jaune: Uh oh...

She knocks him back and turns her weapon into its full-length hammer form and jumps to the edge of the bridge.

Jaune immediately sees what she's about to do.

Jaune: Oh, wait!

Nora: Too late!

She slams the hammer into the bridge and throws Jaune to the other side, constantly screaming like a bitch.

Jaune: No, no, no, no, no, no!

Nora places a foot on her hammer and fires it off the collapsing part of the bridge, launching her towards the Death Stalker as she slams her hammer right in the centre of the Death Stalker's skull. She fires it just as the stinger was about hit her, and blasts back again to avoid its reach, accidentally knocking onto Blake and making her fall from the edge.

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