Volume 1 Chapter 9 (Rewrite)

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(Onyx's POV)

My eyes open thanks to the bright sunlight, beaming down my eyes.

Onyx: Ugh... I just want to sleep.

I toss and turn around my bed as I then felt two soft things on my face.

Onyx: ("The fuck?")

I move my head back and place my hands on this soft things. Strangely enough, as soon as I said that, it moaned.

???: Onyx, you naughty boy~

Hold up!

Onyx: Huh, what the-?!

My eyes open to see Yang in her combat attire, lying down on my bed next to me with a smile on her face.

Yang: Mornin' Onyx!

Onyx: Don't 'Morning Onyx' me! What were doing in my room?!

Yang: Well, I wanted to wake you up but in a normal way.

Onyx: I... I don't think randomly sleeping in my bed to wake me up is a normal way.

Yang: It is for me, so deal with it!

Onyx: Wait, how did you even enter my room?

Yang: It was unlocked.

Onyx: What? I locked it last night... (squints eyes) Yang.

She just whistles and looks away as I notice the door handle was gone.

Onyx: (sigh) Dang it, Yang.

Yang: (giggles) Sorry.

Onyx: Alright, I'm gonna change. Get out.

Yang: (smirk) I wanna stay and see the show.

Onyx: Um, no. (points to the door) Out.

Yang: Make me!

I smirk as I grab Yang's legs and drag her outside my dorm. I stop right in front of Team RWBY's dorm and knock on the door. A few seconds later, Ruby opens the door wearing her combat outfit.

Ruby: Good morning Onyx. What's up?

Onyx: I'm returning your sister.

Ruby tilts her head to the side out of confusion before looking down and noticing her sister.

Ruby: Yang?

Yang: Hey sis!

Ruby: Where were you? I didn't see you in the bed when I woke up.

Yang: I was just waking up Onyx.

Weiss: What's going on?

I look behind Ruby and see Weiss and Blake also in their combat attire.

Ruby: (to Weiss) Yang went inside Onyx's room.

Weiss: You what?!

Yang: Oh relax, I woke up early just so I could wake him up!

Onyx: I was definitely not expecting some watermelons in my face.

Yang: (giggles) Thanks cutie~.

Onyx: Right... Well, I'm gonna go change.

I quickly leave as Weiss turns to Yang.

Weiss: You have some explaining to do.

Yang: Yeah, yeah, whatever.

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