Volume 1 Chapter 4 (Rewrite)

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(Onyx's POV)

Big bro, let's become Huntsman and Huntress together!




And now... you're the only one left.



Here son, your birthday gift from me and your mother.




A loud voice suddenly awakens me from my dream...

???: Wake up, lazybutt!

I jolt up from my futon and see a long black-haired dude being woken up by a ginger haired girl.

Onyx: Geez, (yawn) did she wake everyone else up by her screaming?

The bright sunlight causes me to groan and close my eyes.

Onyx: I just want to sleep right now.

I then grab my Scroll next to me to check the time.

Onyx: Whew, thank goodness I'm not late... Might as well change.

I get up from my futon and do a couple of stretches which earned some pretty satisfying cracks from my back and arms.

(scene change)

I'm now in the locker room, having changed into my casual attire which is technically my combat attire. I was in front of my locker where Raikiri is being stored in.

I open the locker and put on the back scabbard as someone suddenly covers my eyes.

???: Guess who~?

Onyx: Judging from that voice... Yang.

Yang: Correct!

She uncovers my eyes as I turn to face her.

Yang: (waves) Good mornin~

Onyx: (waves) Morning.

Yang: You excited for this?

Onyx: Well, yeah obviously. And I'm gonna assume you are.

Yang: Yep! I'm pumped!

Ruby then walks up to us and pouts at her older sister.

Ruby: Yang! Don't just ditch me like that! You already did that yesterday! We're supposed to stick together!

Yang: Hehe, sorry sis.

Onyx: Mornin' Ruby.

Ruby: (waves) Mornin' Onyx!

We then watch the long black-haired boy walk away while that loud ginger-haired girl follows him.

Ruby: I wonder what those two are so worked up about?

Yang: Oh, who knows? So, you seem awfully chipper this morning!

Ruby: Yep! No more awkward small talk or "getting-to-know-you" stuff. Today, I get to let my sweetheart do the talking.

Ruby strokes Crescent Rose while sighing happily.

Onyx: ("I hope she doesn't become obsessed with that.")

Onyx: Anyways, Ruby, you need to remember that you're not the only one going through this initiation

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