Interlude Teaser

804 22 3

Alex: Hey, Kelly... This is...

Kelly: Yeah... we're in Adamas.

The two nervously look out into the distance, with the Walled City in view.

Alex: This doesn't make sense, we were supposed to meet with the others in Vacuo

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Alex: This doesn't make sense, we were supposed to meet with the others in Vacuo.

Kelly: We must've gone to the wrong portal.

Alex: (sigh) And now we can't go back.

Kelly: And it seems like we're the only ones from the group that came here.

Alex: Everyone else must've went to Vacuo.

Kelly just sighs as she then looks out the city.

Kelly: Onyx said about an expansion project but... I don't see anything. No villages nearby.

Alex: He did say they were a few kilometres away.

Kelly: Only question is, how many villages are there? And will they fit these amount of people?

Alex: Such a mess-

???: Hold it right there!

Kelly/Alex: ...!

The two immediately take out their weapons in defence as they see a hooded figure suddenly right in front of them, with their gun pointed straight at them.


The figure shoots twice without warning.

Kelly: ...!


Kelly deflects the bullets using Aquifier as she then charges towards the figure.


???: ("She's fast.")

The figure suddenly changes their weapon to sword mode as they clash swords with Kelly.

Kelly: G-Gruh... Who the heck are you?

???: I really should be asking all of you that.

The figure then push kicks Kelly away before noticing a looming shadow approaching them from--

???: ("Above!")

They look up and see Alex falling down towards them as she swings her staff downwards.

Alex: Haahhhh!!

???: Humph!

The figure quickly leaps out the way before hearing a gush of water seemingly headingtowards them.

Kelly: HAHH!

Kelly unleashes Riptide but the arc of water suddenly changes to a more golden colour, which catches the caster's attention.

Kelly unleashes Riptide but the arc of water suddenly changes to a more golden colour, which catches the caster's attention

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.
Lightning Strike: RWBY x OCKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat