Volume 6 Chapter 6

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The next day. Morning time.

Weiss: Onyx! Wake up!

Weiss repeatedly slaps Onyx on the face to wake him up, but nothing happens as he continues snoring.

Weiss: It's not working.

Ruby: Come on Onyx! We're about to do something big and you're sleeping in.

Kelly: Maybe I could--

Yang: (smiling) Stand back girls! I'll handle this!

The girls immediately step back as Yang stretches a bit.

Yang: This should wake him up instantly.

Blake: U-Um Yang? What are you gonna do?

Yang lifts her robotic arm in the air, before swinging it down and punching Onyx's "private" area. Onyx's eyes immediately open as he screams in agony.

KRWB all cringe at the pain that Onyx has hilariously suffered, as the boy rolls on the floor clutching his probably deformed dick.

Onyx: (in pain) W-W-Why?

Yang sheepishly rubs the back of her head.

Yang: Hehe. I thought that was the only way to wake you up.

Onyx: (in pain) Kelly is right there. She could've just poured water on me.

Yang: Oh.... My bad..

Onyx groans in pain and annoyance as continues rolling on the floor.

(scene change)

Somewhere in the forest road, Yang is driving Bumblebee with Blake sitting behind while listening to Terra's instructions. Onyx is catching up to them using his lightning speed.

Onyx: So, why can't I just dash in and let you guys take the ship again?

Jaune: (over the radio) We've already had Cordovin's attention before, and it didn't quite work out well. And plus you threatened her as well so she might be cautious. We don't want anymore attention than we already have.

Onyx: Alright understandable.

Weiss: (over the radio) We're on board.

Ruby: (over the radio) Alright, we'll watch our scrolls. The second Weiss is out of range of the comm tower, that'll mean she's out of range of the radar too.

Yang: And that's when Blake steps in. We're almost at the drop off.

Terra: Okay, remember: one, the radar box is separate from the rest of the communications equipment. So if you disconnect it properly, it won't take out comms for the rest of the city. Two, this conversation never happened.

Blake: Don't worry, this isn't the first time I've disabled Atlas security.

Terra stares back with an unamused look.

Terra: Never. Happened.

Yang arrives at the drop off point. Blake steps off the bike and proceeds forward.

Lightning Strike: RWBY x OCHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin