Volume 2 Chapter 7

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3rd Person POV

The camera pans over to a bunch of random students dancing. Meanwhile Oobleck is shown listening as Port laughing over some unheard joke. 

Ozpin is standing off to the side with Glynda until General Ironwood offers his hand for her to dance with him. The camera then switches over to Ruby standing alone on the refreshments tables. That is until Jaune approaches her.

Jaune: I see you're hiding at the punch bowl too

Ruby: Yup.

Jaune: To the socially awkward

The two of them clink their glasses.

Ruby: Sorry things didn't work out with Weiss.

Jaune: Meh, it's fine; Onyx's pretty cool. I get why she went with him.

Ruby: Agree with you there.

Jaune: So... where's Onyx?

Ruby: Oh, he's just over there talking with Sun and Neptune. 

Onyx is shown laughing with Sun and Neptune while occasionally making silly faces.

Ruby: He said he'll dance with us later. 

Jaune: Oh ok.

Jaune sees Pyrrha walking away to the balcony.

Jaune: (sighs) I'll talk to you later.

Meanwhile Onyx is telling Sun and Neptune a joke as the three of them burst into laughter.

Sun: (laughs) Are you serious?

Onyx: (laughs) Yeah. I'm serious.

Neptune: Dude tell us another joke or pun.

Onyx: Ok ok... So why do cows have hooves instead of feet.

Sun and Neptune: Why?

Onyx: Because they lactose.

Sun and Neptune try to hold their laughter but fail miserably and laugh.

Sun and Neptune: HAHAHAHAHAHA! 

Sun: That's good one. Good one.

Onyx: Thanks.. I try my best.

Just then, Glynda grabs Onyx's shoulder.

Glynda: (to Sun and Neptune) Do you mind if Mister Richards and I have a small chat.

Sun and Neptune nod and walk off. Glynda leads Onyx outside to talk privately.

Onyx: So.. what's up Miss Goodwitch.

Glynda: Please call me Glynda.

Onyx: Oh ok then Glynda. So what do you wanna talk about.

Glynda: Onyx... how much do you know about your parents.

Onyx: Well.. I know that they were both Huntsman and Huntress. They told me they retired at a young age because they wanted to raise a family together. 

Glynda: Of course you don't know their full story.

Onyx: Huh? What do you mean?

Glynda: Onyx your mum and dad were the strongest Hunstmen in Remnant.

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