Demon Au: Black Eye

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"I like the new look, it suits you." William's voice laced with amusement, watching the General take a seat in front of him.

The General's eye twitched in vexation but he remained a well-mannered expression, giving Afton a charming smile. "Lovely, isn't it?"

William held in a nervous laugh and continued to eat the half full bowl of soup placed on the table, his appetite being distracted by the concerning site in front of him. He looked up again and winced slightly, the black-eye was absolutely terrible. He couldn't possibly guess where Clementine could've got such a nasty bruise, but he guessed battle training. That man spent his hours down there quite a lot.

He could hear the faint sound of swords clashing and whistles being blown right now, tilting his head to the side to gape outside the large window, seeing the vast fighting grounds covering the castle. He was never the type to like fighting, he preferred to stay safe from any accidental injuries and read all day, comfortable and cozy while sitting on a library shelf. It was much better than sweating and getting scars all over your body. But in his opinion, it did make the General more tough-lookin'. Perhaps, a bit more sexy as well.

William's eyes traveled back to Clementine's face, admiring the way his forehead furrowed in strongness, his eyes sharp and defiant, his body posture attractive and dominant, his muscles obvious and rippling, his scarred lips pursed into a light snarl.

As he began to stare for a little bit too long, those fierce green eyes snapped at him in exasperation but Clementine wouldn't say a word. Instead, focusing back on his food while William looked away in embarrassment.

He exhaled slowly, simply waiting for the General to finish his food. He didn't feel like eating his soup anymore, it was unappetizing due to the low budget the chef's had, honestly it looked like a pile of puke. Maybe he should ask about Clementine's black-eye, lighten some things up a bit.

William bit his lip before parting them, "So, how'd you get it anyway?"

"..Get what?" He grumbled between a bite of food, glaring up at Afton.

"The bruise, your black-eye, what'd caused it? Training?" William queried carefully, making sure not to go too far with his question.


"We found a spy in the old docks this mornin', he took me by surprise and swatted at me. But a couple more soldiers came to kill the bastard, it's nothin' really." Clementine muttered, hesitating to tell the full story. "He didn't scratch me up that bad."

William nodded indifferently, "I know, I was just curious." He continued to sway his feet back and forth nervously, wondering if he should continue with more questions. "..It looks pretty bad though, how long will it take to heal?"

Clementine scoffed while his brow furrowed, "I said it's nothin', it looks nasty but that doesn't mean it hurts."

Well, that doesn't answer my question. William rolled his eyes as the demon looked down, this guy has so much pride. He continued to observe Clementine from across the dining table, his eyes bored with that familiar vexation, and his shoulders tensed up in exhaustion. Too much ego. Can't admit when he's actually hurting or even when he's tired.

William could easily read this type of person from a mile away, too hard on themselves, can't drop how proud they are, brags so much about how sad and terrible they are yet acts like they're better than everyone else. Manipulative, selfishness, and envy come with these actions.

But perhaps, the General was just a bored lonesome man. Perhaps William was just reading too far in. 

Vinliam Oneshots I ୨♡୧Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora