Yandere Au: Sharp

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William was sitting in the cafe after midnight with his best friend as usual. After that one night, this had become a habit. It helped Afton get to know more about Vincent, and spend time with him. Which was mostly the man's routine. After all, nothing was insane about it. No customers ever came, unless they were a huge night owl, somehow wanting caffeine at three in the morning. 

The bell on the door rang, and Vincent came in panting heavily after lifting the trash across the road. "See anything interesting?" William asked as the man got closer.

"A few stray cats running around, but nothing much." He grinned while giving a small shrug. "By the way, I need help with something. It'll probably cure your boredom."

"Like what? And who said I was bored?.."

"Well, you know. You always sit here, and just watch me prepare stuff, it's seemingly boring, how do you even do it?" Vincent crossed his arms at him, raising an eyebrow.

"I like watching you." William replied with a cheeky smile.

"You really are such a weirdo!" He exclaimed, walking past William.

Afton began to glare at him, not liking his statement.

"Didn't mean it like that, I swear." Vincent chuckled, ruffling his hair like a child while bending down to the coffee machine to make some mocha. 

William scoffed, "You're so stupid.." He got off the table and sat down on an actual chair, reaching back in his hair to get a pencil, he was surprised it was still stuck in there.

The teenager then leaned over and reached into his bag to get out a journal, it was labeled diary and had a little lock on it to keep his secrets safe. William extended his hands into the lower pocket of his bag to pull out a little key, fitting it just right in the small lock on the diary, and turning it. The lock made a clicking sound and slid off into Afton's lap. Afton hide it in his lap again when he saw Vincent come towards him. "Go away you annoying nuisance."

Vincent ignored what he said and kept walking toward him before wrapping him into a hug. William flushed and hid his face from Vincent, "Vince?" He squeaked.

"You can help by cuddling with me in the back." Vincent smiled.

William turned his head around quickly, "I like this offer, I'll take it."

This will help me get to create our bond larger, and I want that, Afton pondered carefully. But I can't make it seem like I want him to do this. Not yet.

"I mean, fine, I have nothing else to do I guess. Especially if you're going to be hanging in their all night."

"Awesome, come on!" Vincent exclaimed, taking William's hand between his. William quickly shuffled the dairy in his lap and put it on the table along with the key and lock before Vincent yanked him away.

"It feels warmer than usual in here," William said as they reached the back of the coffee shop, where all the supplies were.

"It's close to winter so obviously it's about to snow, therefore, I put the heat on back here which means we won't freeze to death," Vincent explained happily.

He led William inside the bakery room before he randomly pulled out a clipboard from his waistband. He seemed to be checking through it before raising an eyebrow. "I'll be back, apparently my boss asked me to examine what's chewing the holes in the trash bags, shouldn't take too long, just some rats. If you need me, I'll be behind the shop outside!" He exclaimed, walking out of the room where he and William were.

Afton grunted and washed him walk away before focusing on himself, "Now what?" He complained.

Refrigerator, sugar, croissants, a coffee maker, everything I expect to be here. Nothing interesting.

He looked around in all directions until something caught his eye.


"What's this?" He murmured to himself, he reached his hand out and pulled something out behind the microwave.

It looks like a knife, but not a knife? It's both metal and really sharp.

William ran his finger over its blade gently. Looking up to see a slight line forming on his finger.


William gasped at the sudden strike of lightning and dropped the metal object, it sliced the palm of his left hand, and he cowered down in pain. A little agonized, he quickly looked down at his hand.

Thank God, it's a small scratch but it's still a little deep.

William silenced his whines and let his breath hitch in his throat. It's too embarrassing to act like such a pussy in front of Vincent. I can just ask him for a bandage. That's all I need. He quickly kicked the blade under the counter, can't have anyone seeing blood on it.  The teenager walked out hurriedly, ready to walk outside to meet Vincent before hearing a slam.


"William." A deep voice said behind him in a low threatening tone, almost in a surprised way.

That's Vincent's voice.

William turned his head around confused.

Vincent's expression said it all, surprised, angered almost, and certainly seeking an answer desperately.

"W-What the fuck is this?! You-? You watch me sleep-?" He said, his fists clenched and his brow furrowed.

The man was holding Afton's diary, flipping through pages, his eyes yanking all over the pages.

William felt a knot in his stomach suddenly, and his eyes widened.

Damnit! Fuck. He got caught. 

Afton couldn't handle the fear and refused to look into his friend's eyes.

He leaned slowly against the door, and eventually slammed it open, running toward home, and daring not to look back.

Vinliam Oneshots I ୨♡୧Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ