Vampire Au: Therapy

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Vincent scrolled through his phone, reading random things on an app. He was in a waiting room, kicking his foot up slowly as it was crossed over his right thigh on the velvet chair.

"Vincent Clementine? Please come up to the front desk." A lady exclaimed, adjusting her glasses up while looking throughout the room for him.

Clementine padded over, standing firmly with his hands behind his back.

"You signed up for therapist sessions, am I right? I found you an appointment with Mr. Afton. Door seven hundred and thirty eight which is the highest floor, take a left."

The woman handed him a paper and pointed to the elevator.

Vincent called the elevator and sighed, glancing at the paper in his hand.

It read his therapist's full name, and a TOS at the bottom.

The blonde-haired man looked up as the elevator dinged and his feet carried him onto the cold metal floor.

Vincent pressed the seventh button and leaned against the side, closing his eyes.

He could smell humans everywhere, by the smell, he could guess quite a lot of them had disgusting blood.

When the elevator dinged and he got to the seventh floor, the smell died down a lot.

It seems no one or few people were on the highest floor, Vincent walked forward out of the elevator and examined his surroundings. There was a dark pale blue carpet beneath him with white walls that had random blue swirls.

The doors of the offices, closets, and more were covered with teal paint with golden plates beside them saying their purpose and number.

Vincent looked at the golden plates, trying to find where his therapist was.

Vincent wasn't finding it, then he realized in shame he had gone right instead of left.

"Ugh.." He whispered to himself, walking back to the left.

10, 20, 30..

Vincent stopped, there was the golden plate with '738'. There was a bit of sound in the room, like someone setting down a mug on a table.

Vincent took a deep breath and knocked.

He heard a clang before someone quickly opened the door.

Vincent's breath caught in his throat, not because he was nervous. But he was dazzled by the man's appearance.

"Come in, come in, sorry if everything isn't in place," Afton said hurriedly.

Vincent followed him in and sat on one of the blue chairs.

"So Vincent Alder Clementine? Give me a second."

Vincent sighed silently and watched as William typed into the desktop, staring at a printed document before going to put it on the device.


"Alright! Sorry for the wait." William laughed nervously after several minutes.

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