Mafia Au: Bad Ending {M}

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♡ Warnings!: Blood/Gore, Violence ♡


♡ Disclaimer: Even though I've deleted Mafia Au, meaning I'm never going to write about it again, I got a lot of requests for part three of it so this is technically the last chapter. ♡


As huge rats scurried past the man's feet, the absolutely horrid smell made the vast sewer even more daunting.

They were pushing through the quiet system, trying to escape from the base they were being held at.

William had the injured blonde-haired man draped over his shoulder, carrying the heavier man through the sewer lineage. Only a trail of blood followed them so far, dripping from Vincent's shoulder and William's cut arm.

"We're gonna get out of here.. you'll be okay, I promise, my love.." William murmured in Vincent's ear, heavily breathing from the man's weight while limping down the sewer's concrete walk space.

Vincent didn't reply, but his shallow breathing became lighter, his hands losing grip on William. William sighed and began to walk faster, he didn't know how long they had been down here but he was desperate now, he didn't know where Viper or his guards were, and he didn't want to find out how desperate they were to get to him and Vincent.

As William and Vincent trudged through the maze of tunnels, hopelessness began to set in. The stale air and the never-ending darkness seemed to be closing in on them, testing their resolve to the brink. With each step, the weight of their situation grew heavier, and the sense of being lost in a sea of underground passages was suffocating.

William's grip on Vincent tightened as they pressed on, their footsteps echoing off the sewer walls. The flickering light of their torch barely managed to pierce the thick shadows, illuminating just a fraction of their surroundings. The distant sounds of rushing water and the occasional scurrying of rats only added to the eerie atmosphere, making the situation even more dire.

As minutes turned into hours, they moved cautiously through the labyrinthine network, in search of an exit that seemed to cause fraudulence at them at every turn.

With each dead-end or fork in the tunnel, William felt his sense of direction slipping away, and the gnawing fear of being caught by the men that were hunting them hit him somewhere deep in his stomach.

For once, Vincent's lips finally parted, "...H-How much longer..?" He asked weakly, his voice barely just a croak. William's lips trembled as he struggled to speak, but he just gave a shrug of his shore shoulders.

"T-There was only enough time until Viper realized we're down here.. i-in fact, he could be searching for us here right now.." Vincent stuttered, his hands and legs tied around to William's back as his only hope of survival.

"..But we've already gone so far down this sewer, he couldn't possibly catch up." William pointed out, his body brushing against the damp walls of the sewer.

Vincent frowned, "Unlike us, he's not limping around in misery and in hope of survival."

William's hope down turned even more, anxiously looking behind him. "A ladder has to be somewhere here, we can't just be stuck down in this fucking sewer forever." He shook his head, taking a turn to the left.

Vincent groaned in response, his breathing almost coming to a pitstop. "..Whatever you say.."

The two men continued down the sewer, in absolutely miserable shape. Vincent had given up any hope, while William began to feel like his legs couldn't hold him anymore.


"..Do you.. hear that?" William whispered, his eyes hovering to the ceiling of the sewer.

Vincent focused for a second, his eyes traveling to the same spot as William's. And suddenly, both of the men's hopes rose.

The distinct sound of birds chirping was not dismissed, the more William walked forward, the more the chirping grew.

..."Did we do i-it?" Vincent gasped, staring down the sewer line.


And then, the sound of birds wasn't the only thing that had raised their hope, the familiar object of a ladder, right in front of them, made both of the injured men dead silent.

For almost the first time in forever, a smile formed on Vincent's face and he kicked William in the thigh, urging him on.

"Hold on.." William grinned, reaching out to the ladder with his one good hand; climbing up the rusty and unstable object.

They had finally made it out, smelling the refreshing fresh outside air after being stuck in the sewer for so long. Vincent finally rested his head on his boyfriend's back, squeezing him as tightly as he could. "We made it.." Vincent grinned along with him. "We really made it out of that hellhole."


"Are you sure?" A voice sneered behind them.

Before they could process the words, William was yanked back and Vincent was thrown to the floor, his eyes widening in horror as he backed up on the bloody grass field.

William yelped, his hands gripping the wrist compressing his mouth. "Shut up now.." He snarled, grabbing a gun from his pocket.

The smaller man squirmed, his eyes wincing as the gun was pressed to his head. Everything had happened so fast, Vincent was helpless and he couldn't do anything about it, he could only embrace the worst at that moment, waiting for the gunshot any second as his eyes squeezed shut.

The gunshot came, but he still stood there. Alive.

And the only thing that came to him when he opened his eyes, was a gunshot wound right in Vincent's head.

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