Angel Au: Torn

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"Vince, how many times do I have to tell you to be careful? You know you can't be flying this recklessly.." William's melodic voice whispered in his ear, but the meaning of the words traveled right past his head.

Despite all the nagging, Vincent would never get tired of that angelic honey tainted sound. It was music to his ears, the heaven to his soul. That sweet face that cared so deeply for him.. It made him squeal.....

"Vincent.. Hello??" William snapped, poking Vincent's forehead.

"Huh..? Sorry.." He apologized, now paying attention a little more.

"What are you even thinking about? You look like you've left for another planet." The smaller angel's voice scoffed playfully.

You, about you and only you..

He was quickly backfired from those thoughts again though, a jabbing pain shooting through his back. Vincent gasped and squirmed briefly, sensing William tugging his wing for some reason.

"You've already lost one wing, so take care of this one and stop acting like an idiot before you lose this one as well.." William's voice rang through Vincent's mind, pulling him closer as his fingers stroked the delicate black feathers.

Vincent nodded slightly, "Fine.." He murmured.

He had recently bruised and battered his one wing, and William was currently patching it up for him. For the third time this week? No... maybe fifth? He couldn't remember, the fall had apparently hit his head and damaged it as well.

And he couldn't deny how tired he felt right now, his eyelids were drowsy without rest, his mind was restless with random thoughts and obscure rambling, and his body just wanted to lay down and take a break.

But, he had to get this stupid wing fixed first.

"Oh, and stay still." William's voice behind him muttered, jerking his wing again. "Or else, it'll just hurt more."

"Okay.. just hurry up. I'm about to pass out." Vincent groaned in annoyance, even though he leaned into William's touch.

"You can just sleep now?" William brought up.

He sighed, reluctantly resting his head into the other angel's lap. "I guess.." He mumbled.

The angel's skin was soft against his head, making him undeniably comfortable. William's smell was also comforting, a sweet mix of floral and lavender, like a gentle petunia.

Vincent bit his lower lip and looked up at the man fixing his wing, staring seamlessly into those opalescent pink eyes.

"Well, are you going to sleep or what?" William muttered, tugging Vincent's cheek.

Vincent groaned, and puffed his cheeks, "It doesn't happen instantly.." He huffed.

William showed a brief smile before tying up the bandages on Vincent's torn wing, readjusting his feathers to make it more comfortable.


Maybe it did happen instantly, because before William could even tell Vincent he finished, the angel was already fast asleep on his lap; his breathing soft and steady.

William gave a small beam of his lips, his curly black hair leaning forward as he kissed Vincent's cheek.

"Get better soon my love.." 

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