Vampire Au: Mutt

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William tiptoed silently through the dark woods, spotting the castle in the distance.

"There it is, those stupid snakes, they can't hide their empires very well," William whispered silently to himself.

He threw the rope up, latching it onto the hook of the top window in the castle, where Dagger came out and tied it. William grabbed onto the rope and put the least weight he could as he was lifted up.

"You know the plan, get into the Emerald room while I find the files in the leaders room." William whispered.

I nodded.(I feel like I haven't used their actual Pov in so long man) As Dagger ran out of the closet, I followed close behind, taking a left, while he took a right. As on the left was the upstairs, the stairs were there.

There, the ruby latch must be it. I gently and quietly opened the door, trying to avoid it from creaking.

"This has to be his room, god fucking damnit." I growled to myself, "How am I going to sort through all this paper to find the file we need."

Time to get to work then? I clenched the desk, and started rumming through all the paper, no, no, no, no not that, neither is this it.

I've gone through only like twenty five percent of this clutter. My stomach suddenly quenched, I heard faint footsteps from behind. My ears flattened and I quickly ran behind a huge drawer. Emeralds and Crystals all over of the top.

The footsteps came into the room, then a slam was heard. The vampire locked the door shut.

I heard a deep growl, does he know I'm here?! My breath caught in my throat, keeping my breath as minimum as possible. Don't breath heavily, don't breath heavily.

"You must think I'm stupid, I can smell you mangy mutt. You can't hide." The deep voice snarled. No, no, no there are no windows here, and the only way to escape is that door.

The vampire came forth, grabbing the drawer and throwing it to the floor.

But it wasn't the one William was behind.

"There you are, your behind this one, before I throw this onto your head, stand up."

The werewolf hesitated, fuck, he'll get me anyway. But I couldn't, I just frozed.

Finally the vampire yanked the drawer to the floor, grabbing the werewolf by his neck.

Vinliam Oneshots I ୨♡୧Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin