Arcane Au: Separate

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So many levels, so many excursions, so much fun, and so tiring. A simple recap replayed through his mind right now, the adventures they went through, life threatening or not. How close they had gotten over this and how they were finally at an end.

Yet, the only thing William focused on in reality was his palm in Vincent's, walking daringly close to the edge of what they knew. The fog faded, the sky's dusk turned into midday, and the white glowing portal reminded them both that they would be out of this place. They would leave, rejoice, then move onto the next horror game.

Whatever it could be, he knew nothing could permanently separate them. No monster, no accident, no injury, no game, and no one.

William pondered if Vincent thought the same, but he only saw the teen's green eyes focused on the pavement road they walked on, his brow furrowed and his walking heavy. No matter what it was, Vincent would get over it eventually. He couldn't believe Vincent wasn't more excited to have finally exited this hellhole.

Perhaps, he should ask.

"Hey Vince, what's wrong with you?" William queried as he nudged his shoulder with his elbow, peering his amber eyes into Vincent's.

They neared the final exit but Vincent remained quiet for a few more moments, inhaling deeply when he decided to look at William. "I'm just tired, Will," he admitted, his voice heavy with unspoken weight.

William nodded reluctantly and continued to hold his hand, approaching the portal at last. He quickly put his hand through the glowing white orb, the familiar rush of relief washed over him. Yet, when he turned to share in the joy with Vincent, he found his friend standing still.

"Vincent, what's wrong?" William's voice muttered in slight concern, but Vincent remained dead silent. "What's bothering you..?"


"I said I'm just tired." He suddenly mumbled, his voice was so low he almost whispered. "Go through without me, I'll catch up in a minute." Vincent promised, urging him on.

William stood there while crossing his arms, hesitatingly giving him a nod and sighing. "Fine, just hurry up." He replied, stepping through the neon portal, leaving his friend there behind.


Vincent finally lifted his head up as he limped toward the teleporter, finding the portal relieving for a different reason than William. Something was terribly wrong with him. You couldn't see

it with the glove he wore, but it was there. His hand was fading. It was gone. A phenomena so rare he'd barely ever heard it happen to anyone. It was supposed to be a glitch in the code, he realized it as soon as the area started to glitch rapidly.

He might be able to find help for it in the hub, through that portal. He knew he wasn't safe, not with the fade beginning to spread up his wrist.

And if anything were to separate him from William, it sure as hell would be this. Disappearing into the system hacks, gone from pure reality.  

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