Arcane Au: Seasick

97 6 2

[ Level 017]

Survival Difficulty:

Class 2




·Minimal Entity Count


Level 17 resembles the interior of an enormous cargo carrier spanning hundreds of thousands of square meters, composed of mostly stairwells, corridors, and rooms. It's believed to be closely linked to Level 7 due to its aquatic-like nature. The level itself seems to be moving at a slow pace, with the pace reportedly fluctuating from time to time, but never coming to a halt. The corridors are constructed from metal and have blue floors, white walls, pipes, fluorescent lights, and wires on the ceiling. On rare occasions, you can come across a flooded corridor. However, it is unadvised to stay in the corridor for a long period as it's known to eventually teleport you to Level 7.

Multiple doorways can be found on both sides of the corridors which lead to small cabins. Despite seeming ordinary, they have an anomalous property where if one makes a mess within the cabin and leaves, the cabin will automatically organize and clean itself like a wanderer has never been there before. These are identified apart from regular cabins by their more luxurious interior, and the additional ability to restore one's sanity within the cabin. If you decide to head up several flights of stairs in this part, you will eventually end up on the upper floors.


Whilst mostly lacking any significant entities, Level 17 has 2 entities, which are harmless Windows and Imprints.


After starting out slow, they had skipped past a couple of levels. William wasn't sure how to escape this place, but he guessed that the final level might be the exit; dismissing lucky wanderers who found the Frontrooms early on.

He also assumed they themselves had gotten lucky so far, instead of melting to death, they managed to find the fire exit in time, which led them to this level.

At first glance, the sound of waves and seagulls wailing were the first obvious thing, along with the life jackets tied around the corridors of this seemingly vast cargo carrier. So, William assumed him and Vincent were on some sort of sea level.

"God, I already feel seasick.." Vincent abruptly grunted from the side of him, running his fingers down the tainted white walls.

"It's not that bad, we haven't even walked that far yet." William replied, walking past him to further explore the deck.

"Yeah.. but.. like.. the ship.. It's swaying..?" Vincent uttered sickly, clenching one of the metal pipes next to him.

William couldn't say he was wrong, he could feel the gentle but firm shakes of the boat, rocking back and forth slightly.

"Try to ignore that feeling, the book says there are a bunch of exits here so we'll be outta this place in no time." William smiled reassuringly back at his friend, punching his shoulder.

Vincent scoffed and exhaled deeply, balancing himself. "Just find it quickly.." He mumbled under his breath.

William gave him a nod and hurried down the hallway, staring at every navy-blue door closely, and even observing the corridor's.

As he took another step over the boxes on the floor, he looked back at Vincent. "Don't fall asleep by the way, level eighteen isn't a place you want to be at." William chuckled, Vincent's eyes giving way to a sick expression at his words.

"I won't.." Vince grumbled.

"Good!" He smiled.


They headed further down the cargo ship and walked up several flights of stairs, anxiously observing their surroundings.

"We could enter level four hundred and twenty seven?" William suggested, "The door to enter it isn't rare to find here."

Vincent agreed hesitantly, "What's it about..?"

"Oh wait.." William checked the booklet again, "The Woodrooms??"

"Sounds boring.." Vincent grunted.

"Yeah but it's a large skip past the many levels! If we go there, we'll definitely be out of here in no time." William added on as he read the booklet further down, "It's just we might get separated from each other?"

"That's a further reason not to enter that level." He murmured.

William rolled his eyes at him and padded further through the smuggling airboat; squinting his eyes at the bright fluorescent lights. They kept distinguishing each door as an exit or just another cabin. Which of course all of them were cabins so far, not one of them remotely close to what they were looking for.

Despite Vincent's refusal to enter the level, William still kept his eyes peeled for a wooden door; if they were lucky enough to find it, they could get such a huge start. Sure, they would get separated, but he and Vince would most likely meet each other back when they moved onto the next level.

They also avoided any flooded corridors so as not to accidentally enter level seven. And after some walking, they found a cabin door with a Russian alphabetical symbol on it, but refused to go in it since the level it led into wasn't pleasant.


"Find anything yet?" Vincent asked him, walking out from one of the cabin's.

"Nope.." William gave a half shrug while shaking his head slightly.

"Alright, I say we split up. That way we can find an exit way faster, I'm literally going to throw up if we stay here any longer.." Vincent said weakly, his brow furrowing.

William inhaled slowly and nodded, watching Vincent bolt off immediately as he agreed.

He sighed and turned his head, walking to the opposite corridor from which Vincent ran down. He observed each door again but they all looked the exact same, not a wooden one in sight.

Rows upon rows of endless blue doors, the humming of the lights, and the slight shaking of the boat made his mind etch, and even now his own stomach began to hurt from its rocking.

All William did was speed up his pace and cover through the doors quickly, desperately searching for one that was seemingly different from the others. He avoided the flooded hallways, the off putting cabins, and the Imprints on the walls he wasn't supposed to stare at.

He paused for a moment to catch his breath, looking up to find a dead end. Maybe he should go find Vincent now, he hasn't found a single thing.

Turning around, William walked back the ways he came, carefully choosing what way he went left, and what way he went right. But how would he find Vincent? He couldn't remember what corridor the man event went down.

The more William realized, the more he began to panic. He jerked down the endless halls, calling Vincent's name out in a hurry.

But nothing answered, nothing made a sound, and nothing moved.

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