Walking Dead Au: Dismay

681 22 6

♡ Warnings!: Cursing, Gore ♡


Fox's wide eyes stared out into the open of morning from the bench, it was a beautiful sunrise, golden rays making a kaleidoscope on his face. The cackling of fire filled his nose. And Evan's.

"Let's go join breakfast, I'm bored of watching stupid walkers." Evan exclaimed toward Fox, letting a soft smile beam on his cheeks.

"Alright.." Fox sighed, they got off the wooden camp table and headed towards them. The people among it were conversing and chattering with one another.

Evan sought and sat down, the fish being passed around for breakfast. "What should we do after this?" Fox asked, his accent becoming thicker.

Evan shrugged, "Hunt some rabbits with the bow and arrow."

Fox nodded with eagerness, "Oo, yes! Maybe some mice too!"


After breakfast, Fox seized Evan's hand and headed directly into the forest. His warm brown hair glimmered under the light of the dawn. Evan flung a pebble at his head, sprinting off past him giggling. "Ow!" Hey!"

Fox caught up quickly, being so tall for his age. Both boys knew they weren't allowed out here, with the zombies around. "What if walkers find us?"

"The team cleared the whole area, we are fine!" Evan nudged his shoulder.

Before Fox could react, a loud crack could be heard. He snapped his head around to the tremendous tree in front of them. The world seemed to stop to both boys, and the lower half of the tree fell slowly. Fox lunged toward Evan trying to save him...

Dirt spattered into Fox's face and horrendous pain hit him, making him gasp for air and grimace in pain. His sight became blurry, his chest became swell and the pain was so horrible he blacked out in an instant.

People were surrounding him when he woke up. In all the cluster, Fox only found ease seeing his mother's face. The scar on her right eye was always recognizable. He felt her arms envelop him, "Hey, hey, it's fine, you're okay, you're awake." Is Evan okay? What happened to him?

"Don't move, alright? It'll hurt more."

Oh, how lucky they were to have a doctor with them. Elizabeth looked in dismay at her brother's friend, his waist looking crushed up but he was alive scarcely. His eyes were blank with pain and misery. Evan's eyes were red with the dirt he washed off, his face bruised up from the small branches that scratched his face.

"Will he be okay. . .?" Evan bit his lip.

"I'm sure. If he's this strong to survive the tree, he has to survive the injury." Elizabeth replied, crossing her arms.

Evan's eyes started to swell up with tears, "All my fault, all this is my fault."

Charlotte rested her palm on her shoulder, "I'll comfort him, you go see how Fallon is doing."


Elizabeth walked up to Fox's mother, not a single tear dripping but distress in her eyes. "Hey, how's he doing?"

"... He's fine, that's what Willson said. But with my own two eyes, I'm not sure." Her brow furrowed.

"Of course, this must be hard." Elizabeth gave her an understanding nod.

"Nah, I've seen worse.." She chuckled to herself half-jokingly, her voice sour with dismay.

The woman gripped the table, and Elizabeth looked on with sorrow, "Alright, just checking up on you, I'll be going now."

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