Fiction Au: Starfish

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William stared over the horizon, it was sunset, a gorgeous orange and red ray coming over the sky. Even the clouds were a warm fresh pink. The only sad part was that he was alone to experience this great moment, his wings brushing drowsily against the sand below him.

He was at a beach, no people, or umbrellas. Nothing of that sort here. This was off miles from Republic City. The calm ocean water touched the tip of his feet. And his pants were heavily covered in wet sand as he was sitting down and the waves grew large.

A pebble?

Two pebbles!



"That's not a pebble." He giggled to himself. Quickly he got off his feet and ran over to where the shore washed up the items.

It was a star.

A starfish.

His tail flickered, and my his flinched.

Someone was behind me.


He cut the boy behind him off, quickly shoving him to the floor.

"Get away! Who are you!?"

"I'm Vincent-." The little boy stammered.

He quickly gasped as he looked at him. "What? What's your problem??" 

"Y-You're a phoenix..."

"What about it?" William grumbled, lashing his tail angrily.

"They're one of the rarest animals.. and the only phoenix in this region is the prince." He raised an eyebrow, poking at his wing with some sort of bamboo stick.

William grabbed the stick, hurling it to the sandy ground.

"Listen I'm not trying to hurt you obviously, I'm your age, and...." The kitsune began to ramble on and on, not noticing how William in front of him yanked the starfish from the ground.

"If you won't just shut up, I'll make you shut up." He splat the starfish on his chest, making him screech.

"Ew! Ew! Get it off me!" He shouted, trying to squeeze and pull it off.

William walked away, taking a deep breath.

"Hey! Wait up!"

Ugh did he get it off already.

"W-Wait! Oof!" The boy tripped, getting a face full of sand.

"You're such a nuisance, what do you want from me?" William kicked more sand up on his hair.

"I- I uh." He tripped on his words too.

"I love you."





What did he just say to me.

Vinliam Oneshots I ୨♡୧Where stories live. Discover now