Vampire Au: Second Session

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The loud hum of the elevator music filled the circumambient, and Vincent's ears as well.

His first session, he certainly was expecting it to go horrible. But instead, to his surprise, he liked the therapist and the session did go amazing, at least way more than he had anticipated.

So here he was, riding the elevator to that familiar seventh floor. Back for a second session with the same man.

Could he lie? Could he say there were certain reasons he came back? He hadn't even tasted it, yet he was so attracted to this man's blood, its scent was so unusually sweet, so he just had to come back this time, to get another taste.

He felt guilty that that was the reason, but the man was also gorgeous, he couldn't deny that. His warm amber eyes, that deep black and ombre hair that reached past his shoulders, framing his face prettily, and the inclusion of the topaz freckles that dotted the man's face messily but gorgeously.

He wasn't obsessed or in love, he just wanted to stare and relish his face a bit longer this time.

The elevator finally dinged, its huge metal doors opening to offer Vincent out. Vincent took a harsh inhale and stepped out, readjusting his shirt collar before he headed down the same hallway he once did before.

It was the same as he remembered, the pale blue carpet, the swirly walls, and the teal doors decorated with the usual golden plates that were nailed on. He kept walking past these teal doors, his eyes scattering through the plates until he found Mr. Afton's room. It was '738' to be exact.

And finally he approached the familiar door.

He swore a slight fear, or perhaps nervousness arose in his chest, making his heart beat rapidly. But the quicker he gets it done with, the faster it's over with. So just as his first session, his now sweaty knuckles banged against the metal door, expecting to see the same amber eyed man he'd visited before.


Indeed, amber eyes did gape back at him as the door was opened, revealing Mr. Afton standing there with an amused gaze.

"Clementine? I wasn't expecting you to come back.." William gave him a soft chuckle, instantly recognizing his client.

Vincent clenched his jaw tightly, "Mmm.. and I didn't expect that I would return myself." He gave him a small and nervous smile in exchange.

William laughed at that and gave a wave of his hand, "Well come on in, I don't want to have you sitting out there all day." He grinned, closing the door behind Vincent as he entered the therapist room.

Vincent walked to the right to take a seat in one of the chairs, watching Mr. Afton circle around the desk to pull out his appointment files.

"So, what made you come in today?" William asked him as he now headed over to lounge into his own office chair.

Your pretty face. "I was a bit awkward when we first met, I wanted to come in for a second time and give this another shot." Vincent replied with instead, snapping at his inner thoughts.

"Just a bit?" The amber eyed man shot him a playful eyebrow raise, yet again busy typing at his desk computer.

Vincent was about to respond but William cut him off, "I was just teasin', don't worry."

"I'd rather explain my issues more freely this time, so you can actually help." Vincent said the last line with an embarrassed hush, shuffling his feet as he sat in the room chair.

William nodded understandingly, "Then go ahead."

Vincent struggled to make his words flow, his lips parted from each other but no sound came out. His palms felt even more sweaty now, and the scent of this man's sweet blood overwhelmed him heavily. "Oh-?.. Uh.."

"I believe you were complaining about relationship issues last session?" William tilted his head briefly to ponder, easily giving him leeway to explain.

"Right. That." Vincent's brow furrowed, trying to make his thoughts into words.

"Well, about my family, anyone I pick. They just won't accept them, and I need them to accept them, but they really just won't." He spatted out spontaneously, his words clearly confusing Afton a bit.

"Hm? Why do you need them to accept a lover of yours?" William questioned, gaping back at him.

"I don't want to tell that part yet." Vincent exhaled slowly, his anxious demeanor still the same.

William squinted at him, then thought for a moment. "Well, whatever the reason, you're an adult, Clementine. Why listen to your parents if all they do is make you miserable? I don't mean to suggest it, but you can't cut them off?"

"No, it's not that simple." He should've thought this through before getting a human therapist.

"I really just want someone, without my parents intervening and always destroying everything I have." Vincent held back an annoyed groan, rambling onto the therapist.

"Hmmm.. secret relationship?" William cheekily suggested.

"I would want to marry them as well."

"Secret marriage too then!" 

Vinliam Oneshots I ୨♡୧Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora