Babysitter Au: Picky

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Vincent was scrolling his eyes through the fridge, looking for something the two little brats behind him might like.

"Do you guys want pizza or something? I can just order it on my phone because you shits are so picky." He groaned in annoyance, they denied anything and everything he mentioned.

Taylor perked up as he said that, "Yes, yes! I love pizza!" She yelled, a grin flashing on her face ear to ear. But Tyler just slumped in his chair.

"No. I want ice cream." He pouted, crossing his arms and glaring at him. Vincent glared back, shutting the fridge a little bit too aggressively.

"Well if you eat the pizza, then I can let you have ice cream. How does that sound?" Vincent managed a smile, staring down the spoiled and bossy toddler.

"No. I want ice cream now." Tyler whined, kicking his chair angrily.

Clementine rolled his eyes, "So you're saying you want to starve tonight?" He smirked, shrugging unbothered. "Cause I could care less you spoiled brat." He added, watching Tyler's brow furrow.

But before the boy could respond, a black-haired teen came up behind him, giving Vincent a defiant gaze.

"Come on now, just let the kid have what he wants. You act like such a know it all." William snickered, it was clear from his ombre black hair which was tied into a messy bun that he had just woken up, the man was still wearing the same baggy white t-shirt and ass-tight shorts.

"No." Vincent frowned, his glare deepening at Tyler's older brother. "I make the rules here, and what I say goes."

But William only rolled his eyes at Vincent, "Bossy bitch." He murmured under his breath, walking away from them and going upstairs.

Vincent shook his head and turned his attention back to Tyler, "Well, the pizza will be here soon. Come get me if someone rings the doorbell." He assured, slipping his phone back into his pocket.

"Will do!" Taylor smiled, while Tyler kept kicking the table; clearly quite unhappy.

Vincent nodded and walked away from the kids, seeing them walking over to watch the television. I guess I'll just head to my room then.. He sighed, walking up the stairs. Vincent paced over to his door, entering the room, and closing the door behind him. "Ughh.. two more months with these brats.." He prompted, plopping down onto his bed.

Vincent sighed and curled up into the sheets, pulling out his phone. He scrolled through it, going through his messages and checking Twitter but nothing really seemed interesting on there, so he just closed it and put it on the drawer next to the bed.


Should he check on William? He pondered suddenly, realizing he had nothing better to do. Meh, why not?  Vincent got up from the now messy bed and headed out the bedroom door, spotting William's door closed shut. He shrugged and walked over to it anyway, hearing William mumbling random stuff on the other side.

"Hey, Will-." Vincent's words suddenly paused as he saw William getting dressed; quickly shutting the door.

He could hear William snort in annoyance, "Knock next time?" He said in a sassy tone, locking the door.

"S-Sorry," Vincent muttered, his face heating up in shame and embarrassment. "Uhm, the pizza should be here any minute now, so come downstairs." He made an excuse quickly, itching the back of his head in awkwardness.

"Alright. Be down there in a few." William grumbled in a barely audible tone, putting a new shirt back on.


"Give me that back!" Taylor screamed, trying to snatch the pony toy from Tyler's hands.

"No, it's mine!" He yelped, using all his strength to hold it from her grip.

"..Ugh, what is wrong with you two." Vincent groaned, walking down the stairs to meet them in the living room.

"He's the one who stole it from me." Taylor pouted, her buns becoming loose after all the play fighting.

"Mama said it's mine." He whined back, his grip still on the toy pony in his sister's hand.

"Nonsense, boys don't play with ponies." She spat, finally snatching it from his hands.

Vincent rolled his eyes, "Okay calm down, Tyler can play with whatever he wants. So. Just give him the toy?"

Taylor glared at him, holding it in her hands.

"Pretty please?" He smiled. "You'll get it back soon, just let Tyler play with it for a while. It's not like he's going to rip its head off." Vincent assured, patting Tyler's shoulder.

"He would so do that." She growled, crossing her arms and still continuing her glare indefinitely at Tyler.

"I would so not." He whimpered, crossing his arms as well.

Vincent sighed heavily and watched them bicker for more minutes than he could count. It only then stopped when a familiar black-haired teen came walking down the steps.

"What are you two rats fighting about this time?" He chuckled, getting in between the two.

"Taylor won't give me the toy!" Tyler pointed at her and the toy pony in her hand, stomping his foot to the ground.

"But it's her toy? Why would she give it to you?" William sneered, crossing his arms along with the other two.

"Finally, someone is on my side." She huffed her cheeks in annoyance.

Tyler's brows furrowed and he began to argue with William, leading to all three of them starting to bicker yet again. While Vincent just watched in amusement.


Eventually, Vincent had calmed them both down. Which took quite a while, and Taylor ended up keeping her pony, bonking Tyler's head with it at the last second.

William was now leaning against the counter, taking a slice of pizza. Taylor and Tyler had already eaten and headed up to their rooms, preferably going to bed by now.

Vincent's eyes then widened as he saw William pour himself a glass of alcohol. William snorted and his gaze diverted to Vincent's. "Want some, pretty boy?"

"No.. I don't drink." He sighed, pushing the bottle of wine away.

William scoffed, "That's too bad." His smile lowered to a smirk.

Vincent tilted his head and rested his chin on the back of his hand, watching William sip the glass of wine generously. On second thought, maybe he did wanna try.

"Give it to me." He ordered, pursing his lips.

"Hmm..?" He smiled, peering over at him.

Vincent bit his lip and took the glass William sipped from, sipping it himself. Immediately he stuck his tongue out, "Ew.. it's sour." He whined, quickly putting it back on the kitchen counter.

William held in an amused laugh, "It really only tastes good when you eat it with something. You want my pizza too?" He joked, sliding the plate over.

"No.. you put your mouth on that." Vincent complained, his eyebrows furrowing.

"But I also put my mouth on the wine?" He smirked, putting it up to Vincent's mouth again.

Vincent's brow furrowed as well, his eyes flashing a faint but odd glint.

"..Hm." The older man hummed, grabbing William's chin to face him. "..You know what I want to put my mouth on, baby boy?" He abruptly smiled, his eyes gaping into Afton's.

William looked him up and down and rolled his eyes at the man, "..What is it?"

"Your lips."

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