Forthcoming Au: Note

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William shifted from one foot to another. Taking another sip of his coffee before looking down at his phone at the kitchen counter.

"Hey father, how was yours and Papa's date last night?" Michael smiled, walking into the kitchen, opening the fridge.

The black haired man shrugged, setting his steaming mug onto the oven.

"It was alright I guess."

Michael tilted his head in confusion, father is always happier after spending time with Vincent.

But Afton just shrugged it off, giving a dismissive wave of his hand at William.

William looked down at his phone again, going into the message app.

Vincent still hadn't responded to his texts this morning. And the man was no where to be found in the house.

He just disappeared after their special night.

Maybe I should go out, get some steam out.

William waved bye to Elizabeth as she passed by and grabbed his coat off the coat hanger near the door.

Quickly shuffling it on and walking out the front door.

William didn't bother to get in his car.

I'll just walk home, no one wants to mess with some random man.

It was freezing outside, and the cold wind messed up Afton's hair.

The man turned around as he heard his mailbox clank.

The post office vehicle drove off, splashing water on William's shoes.

William grunted, he never got any mail.

He walked back, opening the mail box.

A single envelope?

He sneezed, the pollen in the fall weather was getting to him, stupid fucking allergies.

The envelope was crushed a bit, a hole at the edge, William carefully opened it so the note inside wouldnt rip.

From Vincent?

Vincent doesn't know how to send notes like this.

William's hands began to shake, and his heartbeat went rapid.

Only six words were upon the page, the bottom of the note, which William read first, from Vincent. It wasn't Vincent's handwriting either.

The top was written in red ink, come find me.

William crinkled it up, stopping as he saw more red ink on the back of the paper.

It was an address.

Vinliam Oneshots I ୨♡୧Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora