TJ Au: Nimble

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"Slowpoke!" A high-pitched voice yelled, belonging to the little mouse eagerly awaiting a reaction from the pissed feline.

The mouse giggled amused, "Tired already?" He smiled, even though he was small, he was nimble and quick, outrunning the cat at an embarrassing pace.

".. Ngh.. you fucking little shit." Vincent hissed, his ears flattened against his head, while his tail swung angrily behind him. William giggled and backed up slowly, waiting for the cat to run at him.

"Better come teach me a lesson then~" He urged the cat on, seeing him pant softly.

He only got a growl in response.


William crossed his arms, the feline just stood there. Not chasing him again at all.

He huffed and began to peer closer to the cat, "Are you going to chase me or what furball?" He let out a small sigh, only being able to watch the cat gape at him through an odd glare.

.. Should he stay or just walk away? The mouse pondered, looking the feline up and down. Meh, why not walk closer?

Even though it felt like he was frozen at the moment, he walked closer to the much taller being. His fluffy round ears twitched in slight fear, his amber eyes meeting the slanted and jasper-green eyes of the frozen man.

William took another step toward him, almost a centimeter away from the cat's chest.

As William crossed his arms, the feline stood there, its gaze fixed on him like a predator sizing up its prey. The air seemed tense, charged with an unsettling energy that made his skin crawl. He huffed and took a step closer, his curiosity overcoming his unease.

"Chase me, furball, or are you too scared?" He taunted, trying to mask the tremble in his voice. The cat remained still, its unnerving glare fixed on him.

Should he stay or just walk away? The thought overwhelmed his mind as he hesitated, unsure whether to proceed. But something drew him closer to Vincent, despite the lingering sense of danger.

William found himself within arm's reach of the towering cat, his heartbeat quickening as he gazed up into its piercing, green eyes. The feline's presence seemed to envelop him.

William took a deep breath and parted his lips, "Uh you there?" He felt the beast towering over him, his eyes scarcely looking up at Vincent.

He knew at the back of his mind that the cat would snap any second, and probably snatch him. But in a way, he kind of wanted the cat to.


No.. What was he saying... He didn't want the filthy fucking thing to take him, who knows how that would go.

William let out a tiny sigh, only to turn his back on the cat; quickly prancing away. What a weird moment, the cat just froze like it was dead... The mouse pondered, etching farther and farther from the feline.

He should probably go back upstairs, where he'd be safer. He had a little hideout the cat knew nothing about which is probably how he escaped so many times.

Thinking about it, his eyelids felt heavy. And his mind was just a little foggy. His body even felt droopy, making him wonder how late it was.

William glimpsed out the window that was to the right of him in the dimly lit living room. It was past sundown, and only small rays of orange hue were at the bottom of the sky. It was probably past seven or right about eight.

.. William suddenly thought, was the cat still standing there..?

He bent his head around to look into the kitchen, and undoubtedly, the cat was gone. Not even a single trace of the feline was in the room, he simply vanished; without William even hearing.

To be fair though, cats are exceptionally furtive.

Therefore, the mouse could feel the hair on his neck rise. Especially as he approached the stairs. The cat was obviously somewhere pursuing and stalking him.

William hurried up the stairs, running into a bedroom that was very familiar to him. If the cat is following him, should he really go into the hiding spot, wouldn't that reveal his one hideout...

Afton frowned and closed the door behind him. Looking about the messy bedroom, his ears flattened against his head.

... But before he knew it, the sound of a vase shattering made him jerk his head back.

"I'm already a step ahead of you." A familiar voice could only slyly hiss, his gaze moderately scornful.

William's eyes dilated in shock and he lunged toward the door, rattling the handle. Yet, it wouldn't open. It was locked from the outside.

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