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'Stop here somewhere. We go on foot from here.'  Gyumin's voice over the earpiece rang, having the rest of us agree silently

We stopped our cars and parked around the street in different spots. The darkness coloured the sky as the sun disappeared behind the horizon about an hour ago, which made it easier to move around.

Namjoon whistled from across the street once everyone got out of their cars, waving for everyone to come over. So we did.

'Listen up. We don't know how many of them there are, and we don't know what to expect, but this will be a bloodbath. This is not Isui's cartel we're dealing with. This is dangerous, and we might possibly lose our lives tonight.'

'Is that what you gathered us for? To tell us that we're about to die?' Yoongi chuckles

'I'm serious.' Namjoon's jaw locked in, and he was in no joking mood. 'If you think you're too deep in, pull back. As long as we survive, we can try again. So what I'm saying is, you're not allowed to die. Or I'll kill you.'

That seemed to have relaxed them a little, making them chuckle.

'Gyumin, what's the plan?' Namjoon turned to him, followed by the rest of us

He looked taken aback for a moment but quickly swallowed and gathered himself. His fingers shook as he clicked on his tablet, but he kept his cool. More or less.

'I'm picking up no signal from this side here.' He points to the south. 'Which can only mean there is a lot going on there. It would be better if he hit them from the front here. They won't expect it. I'll stay back until I take down what I can, and when I find you a sign, you can run in.'

'Good job, kid.' Jin smiled and patted him on the back. 'Everyone, you heard the kid.'

'Sure did.' Taehyung winks at him

'Jimin.' Namjoon said my name and nothing else, trying to get my attention. But him saying my name is a million questions in one. And I know each and every one of them.

I pulled my snood up, making sure it's covering the bottom part of my face properly. I pulled out two knives, spinning them around on each of my palms. I know what I promised to do. Shut it down. Emotions off for the time being. And that's what I did.

At the moment, I'm not panicking. I'm not afraid, and I'm not worried. I'm thinking clearly. I know what I need to do. But I am furious. And I'll use it the best I can.

'Not here.' I answer, looking into his eyes without so much as blinking

'Welcome back, Angel.' He smirked lightly, with similar reactions from the rest of them

'Let's move out.'

We had almost 15 minutes of walking before we got to the site. It was a massive, open space in the middle of the field, with a building and a few warehouses in the middle of it.
The lights were coming from 3 of them, while 2 seemed empty and completely blacked out. As for the building... it seems empty. Only one small window shows some light, and it's almost hidden in the back.

We all dispersed across the line of safety, trying to get a look from different angles and get as much as we can. I crouched behind a wall, using it as a cover.

'I got through their system. I set their cameras back 10 minutes, so even if you get to them, they won't see you coming.' Gyumin spoke again

'I see movement in that first one in the left.' Jin's voice rang in my ear, and my eyes instantly went to where he said he saw activity

MERCENARY 2: The Huntdown |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now