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'I can do this on my own. Go get that sorted.'

'Oh, fuck off.' He snorts. 'It's a fucking scratch. I'll deal with it later.'

He says it's a scratch, but that scratch leaked all over him and is nearly creating a puddle in the car, yet he is too stubborn to home and have Taehyung patch him up. But then again, he's not wrong. We all had way worse.

'Stubborn old man.' I tease, giving him a small smirk

'Exactly. I'm older so you should listen.' He pointed his finger at me like a parent does when they scold you, which only made me laugh. 'Now, where are we going?'

'Here.' I showed him the location that Josun sent me, and it turned out to be a little park in the city. Public. Busy. I suppose that's a smart idea. No one would expect us to meet there.

'I'll be watching from here. I got your back.'

'I'll be fast.'

I jumped out of the car and made my way over to a little bench where my best friend was having a smoke, looking almost serene and content with himself.

'This is a weird place to meet.' I chuckle as I sit down on the bench next to Josun

He chuckled in return, throwing his cigarette on the ground and stepping on it. 'I thought it might be a better date spot. More romantic.'

I look around, watching kids running around in the little playground about 50 feet away, with a lot of parents surrounding the place.

'Is this your way of telling me that you want kids? Because I personally think it's a bit early. We should at least have some dinner first.'

He laughed away like he didn't have a care in the world, looking over at the kids as well. 'What would Angel say if he heard you right now?'

'You really don't know his name, do you?' I laugh at him

He just smirked in return, not even looking at me. 'I don't need his name to know him. But I don't think we're here for him.'

'Found anything?' I ask, crossing my legs, and he just quickly glanced at them before looking up again

'Choi Yu Min is not in our base of names. But... my team found a different Yu Min. Sang Yu Min. Barely any records on him, but what's there is enough to connect the dots.' I felt him lightly poking the side of my body, so I took whatever it was with my fingers hidden, not pulling any attention to it. Another USB. 'There's everything I have on him. Now I need to find him.'

'We got close today.'

He turned to me so fast that I was kind of scared of him breaking his neck.
'WHAT?!' He hisses

'Shush. Calm down and listen.'

He leaned back, calming himself down as I asked him to do. 'What do you mean you got close?'

I can't tell him that we got him or who he is. As much at he wants to help, I can't trust him. So... 'We found a place where he stayed. And we almost got killed the moment we stepped in there, so he definitely knows we're after him. Also, apologies. I killed 8 of your people today.'

He chuckled and shook his head lightly. 'What a woman.'

'I tried talking to them.' I shrug

'No, you didn't.' He smirks

'No. I didn't.' I smile back, and we both chuckle


'Gangnam. They busted into the place and they cornered us. Left us no choice.'

MERCENARY 2: The Huntdown |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now