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'Good morning, kids.' Namjoon sighed like a tired parent, sitting down at the breakfast table to join the rest of us

Looking around, we really are in a bad shape. Hoseok, Jin, Yoongi, Gyumin, Ren, and I, we are all bandaged up and hurt. We are constantly being tracked and sniped left and right, and we have no idea where our heads and our asses are at. 

'Seeing how we are getting absolutely fucking nowhere,' we all lightly chuckled at his words, but he just continued, 'we are treating this like we have a brand new task.'

'We are starting from the scratch?' Jin asks, earning a nod in return

'Almost. We have some clues, but from this point on, we are back to square one. We will go through every person that we have on our lists. Dead or alive. Because it seems no one really dies these days. If these hackers can fake their deaths, then everyone else can, too. So me and Gyumin will do our due dilligence in tracking the fuckers down, and cross them off our lists.'

Happy I'm not doing that. And based on Gyumin's gloomy face, he's not happy either. Maybe he's continuing his last night's performance. He did just find out that he's been betrayed.

'Rain. I am leaving Josun to you. Do whatever you want and can, but drag something out of him.' 

'If he's even alive. I don't know if he got away in time.'

'Well, you're gonna check that. Yoongi. Anything on the bomb from Ren's place?' He turned to him 

'C4. It was set up on the side of the building based on how the walls caved in from the right. And also it was detonated remotely. Whoever it was, they were nearby. Somewhere in 20 yards radius. And it was a lot. I'm surprised the entire building didn't go down.'

'Anything else?'

'Everything went up in the air. Not a thing I could find. Besides, by the time the police cleared out, it was a bit late. Whatever was of importance, they took it.'

Namjoon just nooded, turning to Jimin right away. 'Jimin. You stick to your target.'

Gyumin shot him a look, but didn't say anything. And Jimin pretended not to notice. He clicked his tongue slightly, but there's not much to argue. We need info, and she sure as fuck won't tell me a thing. She seems to have a thing for Jimin. I can't blame her.  But I can kill her.

'What about the guy that blew up my place?' Ren chimes in

'We don't know if it's him. We only saw him there. He could have been just scouting it out. But either way, Jimin's gonna have to cover that.'

'Anything else? Want me to do weekly grocery shopping?' Jimin sasses

'If you wouldn't mind. We are running low on chips. Jungkook ate them all.'

'We're low on water as well.' Hoseok trolls along

'Pasta. We need pasta.' Jin nodded

They actually started naming everything they needed, turning from trolling to a serious discussion. Even Namjoon joined in, adding things to the list.

'Oi.' Jimin taps on the table, earning complete ignorance. Then he smacked it harder, making the entire table shake. 'Hey!'

They stopped the heated conversation and looked at him like he's fallen from Mars.

'I wasn't serious.' Jimin says as he looks at them

All 8 of them looked almost disappointed. Even Gyumin was looking half hopeful that he'll really go buy them food. And then I had a thought.

'Hey,' I hug his arm, 'maybe we could go together. We haven't done that in a while.'

He looked at me, leaning back in his chair. 'You actually want to go?'

MERCENARY 2: The Huntdown |BTS JIMIN FF|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora