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I rang the bell and waited about 20 seconds before that devil's spawn opened the door. Half naked as well. She's barely covered in a robe. And wet. Literally. She must have just gotten out of the shower.

She was confused for a moment, but then she leaned on her doorframe and crossed her arms over her chest. Her tongue swiped over her teeth as her smile grew.

'Perfect timing, I must admit. It's like you knew.' She traced the collar of her silk robe with her finger, lightly pulling it to the side to reveal more of her skin

I just kept looking at her dead in the eyes, wondering how many loose screws she has up there.

'One little tug, and I'm all yours.' She kept eyeing me up and down, lightly tugging on her silk belt that's holding the robe closed up, and then she pulled it completely, revealing that she only has her panties on.

I'm not sure what she expected, but I'm pretty sure I'm closer to shooting her than getting turned on. Or even remotely interested. I am sort of happy Rain isn't here. She'd shoot her on the spot. And I wouldn't stop her. Damn it. Should have brought her with me...

'You done with your little performance?' I ask, holding back a sigh

'Damn. Nothing moves you, does it?' She chuckled

'Stop embarrassing yourself. There's not much to show there.'

She looked down at herself, then back up at me with a raised eyebrow as if she thinks I'm blind or dumb. 'Seriously?'

Of course she's gonna take care of her body. Her job is seduction. I'm sure she's put the body to good use a dozen times. But I'm more interested in her door frame than I am in her body. Not that there is any comparison, but comparing her to Rain... she is in the range with a garden gnone to me. No one has ever come close, or ever will come close to Rain. Her smile alone makes my entire body vibrate with lust and desire. While this idiot makes my body shudder in anger and disgust.

'We need to talk.' I walked in past her, leaving the door open behind myself as I walked into her place

3 windows on each wall. 1st floor. I can jump out easily for an escape. That should be fine.

She sighed dramatically and closed the door. 'If you don't mind, I need to get dressed.'

Continuing her performance, she took the robe off completely, dropping it on the floor. She sent me a little flirty wink and walked away to another room, giving me the perfect view of her ass and her hips swaying slightly. I'm embarrassed for her.

'You are either very used to women coming onto you, or you really are soulless.'

That was her first comment when she came back. Thankfully, dressed.

'You've never been rejected before?' I roll my eyes

'No. Actually not. You're the first. Which makes you sooo interesting.' She smirks

'Sounds like a you problem. Now, can we get to the business part?'

'So cold, Angel.' She sat across from me, pulling her legs up sideways, nearly curling herself up. 'What can I help with?'

'Gyumin knows about Han So Jin.'

The smile quickly got wiped at from her face, and she turned into a worried, scared mess. 'How?!'

'He showed his face in a place where he shouldn't. Got caught on camera. Now... can you tell me why he was he at the same place where one of ours got blown up?'

MERCENARY 2: The Huntdown |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now