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8 people surrounded a single note, staring down at the damn spider on the paper.

'Latrodectus.' Namjoon sighs the name out

'How can this be? Were they not shut down years ago?' Yoongi was the first to break the silence

'Apparently not. It's not unusual for cartels to stay dormant in crisis.' Namjoon mumbles

'This was not just doormant. This was dead silent. Graveyard shift.'

'I heard about them from that cartel I was in, but... no one ever bothered explaining who they actually are. Are they also a cartel?' Gyumin asks, looking around at us for someone to explain

'There are cartels and gangs and mafias. Each of them have their own dangers. And then you have these fuckers.' Jungkook started talking. 'Imagine you have a group of murderers, rapists, absolute genocide maniacs, and all of them are protected by the law. They have more police on their force than the actual police.'

'And it's not the worst part. These so-called members of that... community... They are spread around other cartels and mafias. They work with multiple groups simultaneously. Kind of like a favour for a favour.' Jin adds to it

'Wait, so, this is like multiple groups in one?' Gyumin asks

'Precisely. They offer law protection, and they cover up anything and everything, and in return, they get the cooperation. And that cooperation can be anything. From robbing a bank to starting a war with Japan if they wished so. In their prime, they were nearly unstoppable.' Namjoon keeps adding

'Why the hell are they after us?!'

'Because we took them down.' Jimin answers coldly

'They were on the brink of falling apart, and the desperation made them vulnerable. We used it to clean them up. It was months of work, and it seemed like there was no damn end. We still aren't sure how they got weak in the first place, but they fell out with more than one group they cooperated with, and they crumbled. We just used the situation to our advantage.'

'Maybe if we find out why they got weak in the first place, we can figure out how they came back.'

Ever since I saw the spider, my blood's been boiling. And I am about to explode. I swallowed down my fear and worry and spoke up. 'I don't know why they came back... but I can tell you how they fell.'

'YOU?!?!?!' All 6 of them, apart from Gyumin, screamed at me. Even Jimin didn't know about this.

'I wasn't alone. It took a few of us. But, basically, yes.'

'I'm sorry, I'm really, truly lost.' Gyumin pops in again

'Remember how we told you that she's a spy?' Taehyung asks Gyumin, and he nods. 'Well, she is trained to inflitrate and tear apart from the inside. Clearer now?'

'Seriously?! THAT IS CRAZY!!' He beamed at me, instead of being scared, looking excited

'Ignore the puppy. Tell us all about this group.'

'Um... you remember that story or the 27 year old guy with virgin fetish?' I ask Jimin, and he nodded slowly, focusing on my words. 'Well, he was the son of the guy who ran the whole thing.'

'You must be fucking kidding me.'

'Not in the slightest. He... liked me... And asked me to join in, promising me money and all the shit he thought 17 year olds wanted. Of course, Isui jumped at the opportunity and sent me away to them, and of course, he wanted the power to himself. So I did what I needed to do. I sent information to him. He sent it forward. I created fake documents. He sent those forward. I was there for almost 2 years, and within a year, they were being attacked by their own people for fucking them over, and their ranks crumbled under the pressure. By the time they realized what was going on, I killed the guy I was with, and faked my death to run. And shortly after, you guys stepped in. I honestly didn't even know it was you who took them down until now.'

MERCENARY 2: The Huntdown |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now