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'Okay, kids. Show me your homework.' Namjoon's first words as he made his way to the breakfast table, joining everyone else

We all had a task to write down whatever we know about the organization that's on our ass. Some of us had more than the others.

I made an entire book script with information that I gathered while I was there, not that's it's going to be of much use, considering at least 90% of those people are now dead, along with their operations, but every bit helps.

Jimin didn't know much either, but back then, he was simply an assassin who was there to carry out a job. Point a finger, and he takes their head. That was about it. Especially when he only joined them back then.

As for the rest of them, they all knew the same, so Namjoon simply brought everything out that they already had collected, which is valid as same as mine. Years old and possibly useless.

And Hoseok brought a paper on which it simply said, 'They shot me'.

'Gyumin, anything?' Namjoon asked him, and he looked nervous as hell

'I've set up my little bots to scan anything that has anything to do with Latrodectus. It's currently combing through everything and anything. It's a bit weird that nothing had come up yet, though. Either there really isn't anything, which is rarely the case, or they have a hell of a hacker in their midst that's blocking any searches.'

'That's a clue in itself. They have someone who can hack.' Namjoon nodded at him

'After everything they used to have back in the day, it's not surprising. They had an entire team of computer wizards when I was there. These guys.' I add, showing them the page with their names. 'Out of these, I know these 3 died, so I crossed their names over. These two, though... these two are still alive. At least they were before I left there.'

'May I?' Gyumin asks, reaching for the paper, so I passed it to him. He scanned it, reading out two names. 'Yoshi Tong and-' his eyes popped open, and then he nearly screamed at me. 'YOU KNOW SHADOW?!'

'Okay, kid, calm down. You broke my fucking eardrum.' Jin had to pull him back down on the chair because he nearly jumped over the table

'Who is Shadow?' Taehyung chimes in

'Only one of the best frigging hackers EVER!' Gyumin was nearly squealing. 'I learned half the stuff I know following him!'

'You have a weird obsession with criminals.' Jimin almost squints at him

'Only cool ones!' He grins, not even bothered that Jimin was lowkey calling him demented

'Ignoring the mental issues, tell us what you know about this guy.' Namjoon jumped in

'Right, right. He's like super smart. The guy hacked into Korean Embassy and deleted half their files when he was 13. So that should say enough. Not a thing he can't do. He must have robbed 50 banks. Well, hacked into their system while others robbed, and he'd get paid for it. No one knows what he looks like, though. He's like a ghost. You see the remains of his work, but never him. That's where the nickname Shadow comes from.' He got so into it, like he's explaining his favourite movie, giggling and wiggling. Truly a weird ass kid.

'And you didn't think to mention this before?' Yoongi raises an eyebrow

'How could I know?! He's been inactive for ages! And I didn't know he had anything to do with these Widows guys.'

'Okay, what else do you know about the guy? Anything?' Namjoon pushes

'Not much, truly. No one does. I only know about his work. No one knows his name or what he looks like.'

MERCENARY 2: The Huntdown |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now