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We stood at So Jin's door, with Jungkook rhytmycally knocking on them, like he's playing a song on the hard wood.

About 15 seconds into him playing a song, a door opened to show a very annoyed So Jin.
'Yes. You may just come anytime. I don't need peace at all.' He complains, but then his eyes went to Ren, and he made a confused face before simply mouthing, 'oh.'

'Mind explaining a few things for us?' I tilt my head slightly


'Like why was your ugly face in the window of my shop before it exploded?' Ren lifted his crossbow on his shoulder, with an arrow all ready to be shot out

Surprisingly, So Jin just chuckled and opened the door wider, letting us in.

'So?' I push

'Code red?' So Jin asks, looking straight at Ren for some reason


A sudden sharp pain in the side of my neck made me wince and grab onto it, and the next thing you know, Jungkook was screaming on the floor, with blood oozing from his thigh where the arrow had been sitcking through. The dark red blood was creating a puddle on the white carpet as he held onto his leg, cursing in pain, while Ren held up his crossbow towards him.

I managed to pull the thing out of my neck which ended up being a little dart, and I wanted to take my gun and shoot them both. I wanted to move my hands, but I couldn't. The side of my neck was stinging even worse before my knees gave out and I collapsed on the ground and my vision started to blur, becoming darker and darker. I felt my muscles relaxing to the point that I could barely even keep my eyes open. My tongue is going numb as well, and the words can't seem to come out. The dart I held in my hand slipped through my loosened grip, and I saw it resting on the ground next to my hand. I heard footsteps and voices in a muffled way, like my ears were being covered and the noises were drowning out.

'... the list.'

'That rat. I should have gotten rid of him when I had the chance.'

'Boy, boys, boys. Always have to clean up after you.' Is that Yonwa? Shouldn't she be with Gyumin right now? 

Jimin... is he okay? Please... let him be okay...

'Fucking hell she can still talk?'

'She was always tough.'  Yonwa sighed, then started giggling, which sounded so much more siniter as her laughter echoed in my mind

I can't open my eyes, but I can hear the footsteps coming closer. I can also feel someone's hand threading through my hair, pulling my head back, and even though I'm giving it my all, whatever they shot into me is making my limp and rendered useless. I'd think it was a tranquillizer, but this is too strong. This is some sedative because I'm going out fast.

'Let's see if your little dog can save you from this one.'

I felt the hand pulling my head up before slamming it into the ground, making everything go completely black.


You need to get Rain out NOW!

It rang in my mind since the moment Namjoon screamed it down my ear. I ran every single red light as I rushed straight to So Jin's apartment. I drove right up to it, not bothering to even keep his hideout actually hidden. 

I sprinted up the stairs, jumping over most of them and busting down the aprtment doors with full force by running into them as hard I could. The entire door broke down, falling nearly off the hinges with a dented hole in the middle where I ran in.

MERCENARY 2: The Huntdown |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now