17 (+18)

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We got back home before the rest of them and practically ran to our room. Slamming the door behind us, he locked them and turned his eyes on me.

The look in his eyes was almost terrifying, but in a way that made my entire skin prickle with the expectations.

Reaching for his tie, he pulled on it roughly as he looked me up and down, glossing his plump lips with his tongue.

He walked to me as he pulled off his tie, letting it hang openly around his neck, and stopped right in front of me.

'Give me your hand.'

Mindlessly, I put my hand in his, and he brought it to his lips, kissing it gently. He kissed each of my knuckles, his eyes not tearing away from mine. He did look away as he placed a kiss on the back of my hand. Another kiss feathered on my wrist. Another right above it. He kissed up my arm, covering every inch with his lips.

'Is this where he kissed you?' He hums on my skin, pressing his lips on it again

It honestly completely slipped my mind that someone else even touched me.

He kept kissing my arm higher and higher, slowly walking behind me as his lips reached my shoulder. I closed my eyes and let him take over me, sighing in delight at his soft lips on my skin.

He made another trail of kisses over the side of my neck, his lips stopping right at the shell of my ear, his hot breath fanning it.

'Where else did he touch you?'

His voice coloured with that sultry veil made my stomach twist, but it was his teeth gently nibbling at my earlobe, sucking on it just lightly as he pulled away, that made me moan softly.

'You have to tell me where he touched you, my love. I can't let someone else's prints taint what's mine.'

'M-my back.' I breathe out

As if it was a command, his lips traced down the side of my neck, sliding to the back of it. He kissed down my back, going even slower than he did with my arm, taking his time to mark every inch of my skin.

I felt the dress loosening around my waist, and from his seductive kisses, I didn't even notice that he was undoing it at the same time until it fell off of me, floating around my feet on the ground.

'I need you to lay down on the bed for me, baby.'

He didn't really ask as he already led me to the bed, surprisingly gently pushing me down to lay on my chest.

I felt his hand trace my spine up and down until it made me shiver, and then he followed the same pattern with his lips.

I closed my eyes, trying to keep my breathing quiet, but it was hard. He barely even touched me, and I'm burning for him. And he knows, but he's taking his time, torturing me sweetly.

Small mewl escaped my lips as his own laid against the side of my body, leaving open-mouthed kisses on my waist, down the side, all the way to my hips.

He guided me to turn around, fully facing him now. My chest was rising up and down in expectation, and I had to lick my lips at the sight.

He seemed ready to prounce, but he kept himself calm, looking down at me like a hunter looks at his prey.

'Did he touch you here?' He coos, his hands gliding down my waist

'Y-yes.' I breathe out

'Are you lying to me just so I'd kiss you there?'

'Yes.' I smile at him

'I see.' He smirks as he pulls his tie from his neck. 'Your hands.'

Gladly, I gave them over, and he skillfully wrapped the tie around my wrists, tying me down to the headboard.

MERCENARY 2: The Huntdown |BTS JIMIN FF|Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat