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'Morning, boys.' I greeted the guys who were at the table, not seeing Jimin anywhere

'Your little psychopath is in his playroom.' Yoongi answered before I even asked. 'He must have missed playing with his knives and all.'

I just smiled as I sat down, pouring some juice for myself. 'He has. He's been playing around with kitchen ones for months without even realizing he was doing it. It's kind of natural to him, you know that better than I do. So I got him some for christmas. And ever since then, he's been sneaking off into an abandoned building nearby, playing with them. He thinks I don't know.'

They started laughing along with me, not even surprised that he did something like that.

'And you didn't tell him you know?' Taheyung asks

'No. He probably didn't want me to worry, so he didn't wanna tell me. And if he wants it that way, I'll keep his little secret. He can tell me when he wants to.'

He might hate the restrictions he had on his life. He might despise the danger, although it was mostly because of me. But he does love his knives. And his skill is non-comparable. I can't blame him for missing it, or for not wanting to lose it. I purposely pretended to be asleep to give him time to sneak out. It was kind of hilarious. He was like a teenager, jumping out the windows at 5 in the morning, and then coming back about an hour later, showering, and jumping back in bed. And it wasn't every day, but every few days or so.

'What I find funny is that he thinks that he can hide it. From a spy.' Jin and his windshield wiper laugh were another thing I missed

'I thought the same.' I laugh. 'But now I don't have to lie, so I'll hop down and watch him play.'

'Still find that hot, don't you?' Namjoon decided to tease

'Oh, absolutely.' I wink, making them all laugh even more, and then I hopped down to him

I passed by Jungkook and Gyuwon who were currently mid session. I suppose Jungkook leaned into that coaching life. But my mission was to find Jimin. And there he was.

I leaned back on the doorframe, watching even from afar how his face lights up with each hit. He stacked up knifes in what seemed like the same holes. The sharp blades were either in the forehead, in the eyes, or in the heart of the dummies. All three of them.

And it seems he visited his old wardrobe. All in black today. Although, it's black tank top, and I cannot stress enough how amazing it fits him.

The curves of his shoulders, and the lines of his arms muscles are one thing, but then his veiny forearms, and his fingers elegantly flipping the deadly steel... Is it hot in here, or is it just me?

He threw another knife with the speed of a bullet, and then spoke, catching me a bit off-guard. 'Are you gonna stand there and gawk at me like a honry creep, or will you join me?'

He then turned and flashed me a gorgeous smile, waiting for me to come over to him.

'How did you know I was here?' I tease a little

He lifts a blade, tilting it back and front a little, 'I saw your reflection when I picked up a knife.' He then leaned in, and placed a soft kiss on my lips, 'And I can feel when you're near me.'

'Can you?' I tease, leaning into his chest, hugging him gently

'Always.' His lips pressed into my hair, and he hugged me closer to him, 'And you know what else?'

'What?' I look up at him, smiling

'I can feel when you're stealing from me. My knife back, please.' He opens his hand, grinning proudly

MERCENARY 2: The Huntdown |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now