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Pressing that phone to my ear for 6th time, I listened to the same ringing sound over and over again, muttering like a lunatic for Josun to answer. But nothing. And I can't let Gyumin know where Josun is. He would have him killed. So my second choice it is.

'How many people are you going to bring to my place?' So Jin opened the door with a half complaint, looking over my shoulder to see my current two bodyguards

'Jungkook, Hoseok, this is Han So Jin. But no time for the introductions. Can you track Josun down for me?'

'Nice to meet you dead-not so dead-guy.' Jungkook chuckles, and So Jin just straight up ignored him, talking to me instead

'I actually have something to show you anyway, so it's kind of perfect timing. Come on in.'

He took us to his sci-fi room, and I was happy to see that there was no porn this time, but there were a bunch of other things. But only one of the screenes was of interest to me.

'I did some digging on all those names we collected so far, and I got something. You said Yu Min Sang, so I searched up that one, and I got this.' He popped open another file, moving the cursor over some things and highlighting them. 'Did you know anyone there with the name Moo Jong Moo?'

I felt like throwing up on the spot at the mere mention of the name. That fucker...

'Did you not?' I scoff

'Was I supposed to?' His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he looked at me, and it seems as he genuinely has no idea what I'm no about

'Do you remember who was the head of the clan back in the day?'

'Moo Jong Chaneul.' He spoke the name through the gritted teeth, and then rubbed his eyes, ending the brain torture with a nose pinch.

'The guy you just mentioned was his son. I killed him.'

'No one could find his body. Are you sure he's dead?'

'I melted him in acid. Of course no one can find him.'

'Acid?' He grimaced. 'You are disturbing.'

'We've been telling her that for years.' Jungkook chimes in from the side

'Okay, okay. Back to the point. What about Moo Jung Moo?' I push

'Well... this.'

He opened up a picture on the screen, and I felt like shooting myself on the spot then and there.

Moo Jong Moo sitting in front of a Christmas tree, with a younger child sitting on his lap, smiling at the gift in his hands. The features of the child's face were soft and rounded. His eyes opened wide at the little present, making him look like an excited puppy. His hair pitch-black and sticking out from under the Christmas hat.

'Is that-'

'Gyumin.' I finish Hoseok's words. 'Or Yu Min. Or Shadow. Whichever one you prefer.'

They didn't even bother asking how I know, nor did they even ask how I got to Han So Jin. I don't think any of us have any capacity to track everything in this shitshow that's been going on, so we just accept that we got something and move on with it quietly.

'Seriously? Is this a new hangout place or something?' So Jin muttered as his door got a few more knocks, and then he turned on his camera feed, only to find Jimin and Yonwa in front.

'I'll let them in.'

I opened the door, and Jimin's face turned to surprise before he chuckled.

'Stalking me now?' He jokes as he walks inside. He slipped his hand to the back of my neck, gently pulling me into himself and leaving a kiss on my forehead

MERCENARY 2: The Huntdown |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now