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I woke up way before her, and spent a good while watching her perfect face resting on the pillow.

With every breath she takes, she makes my heart skip. I don't think I will ever understand what she does to me. But I do understand that I need to let her sleep.

'Oh, the Angel has descended! All praise the Lord!'

'You on drugs this early in the morning?' I grimace at Hoseok, who only started laughing, and then went on with his breakfast

'Where is the assasins bride?' Jin asks after taking a sip of coffee. 'She is usually up early.'

'Not always.' I mumbled to myself and then went to the kitchen, walking right past all of them.

Jin is right. She usually wakes up early. But there are instances when she sleeps in. Only three. When she is sick, which is rare. When I keep her up all night and she falls asleep in the morning. And when she gets her period.

I've noticed her turning herself into a ball in her sleep bit by bit, probably cramps. And her food choices get weird about two days before she gets it. She eats anything and everything spicy. But there is only one thing she's become obsessed with during her period. Cupcakes.

I actually learned how to make them, so I have a higher chance of survival if her hormones decide to go crazy. 

'Are-are you cooking?' Yoongi crossed himself like you do in a church as he watched me pull out bowls, eggs, and flour and such

'Not exactly. Now leave.' I threw a cloth at him to shoo him out of the space.

Besides Jin and Jungkook, none of us really use the kitchen. We can't cook for shit. I know I can't. But for her, I will learn anything. Like making cupcakes. She should be out for another hour or so, so it gives me plenty of time to make these little shits. 

I made a whole mess trying to find the cupcake tray. I do not know how or why we have one, and it is literally brand new with the stickers still on it, but I sure am happy that we do. 

I made these so many times within the last 8 months or so that I can make them in my sleep. I suppose I got better because it does smell nice. The entire house smells like a mix of freshly baked goods and chocolate. 

'Now fucking way. You- You made muffins?!' Jin's voice nearly broke my eardrums as he watched me take them out of the oven and put them on a big plate. 

'Mhm.' I just hum in response, moving on with my task

'Why? How?! Like- what in the-'

'Not for me.' 

'Okay. What the fuck happened to you in the last year? You turned into a housewife.'

There is no point explaining, nor I can be bothered to. All I need is to get these to her safely, without these hungry wolfs eating them. I can literally feel Jungkook drooling without even looking at him. But if they touch them before she does, they will die. And it won't be me who ends them. It will be her.

'You made us cupcakes?' Hoseok lit up like a Christmas tree, but I killed that tree straigt away

'When did I say they were for you?'

'Oh come on. There are a hundreds of those fuckers. They gotta be-'

'For Rain. Back off.'

'Is it her birthday or something?' Taehyung mutters to Namjoon, who just shrugged in ignorance


There she is. The love of my life. The whole reason for my existence. 

She is still sleepy. Her lips are slighlty swollen and pouted out. I think she lost the battle against her hair as it seems to be in the messiest bun I've ever seen, with pieces not even properly pulled into it. Not that hers, or my, clothes had it better. My shirt is down to her thighs, and I suppose my shorts are more comfortable than hers these days of a month. But even being a mess, she is still the most breathtaking woman I've ever laid my eyes on.

MERCENARY 2: The Huntdown |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now