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I know we had this fake fight, but the "make-up" sex seemed more real than anything. Right about now, I would forgive him for the sins that haven't been invented yet.

My vision had been going blurry from all the tears because the pleasure was too much to handle, and I swear I felt like fainting at least twice.

I kept my eyes closed, honestly just trying to breathe because he absolutely took every last trace of my sanity away, and it seems he's determined to stop me from getting it back.

I'm laying on my front, hugging the pillow and sighing in pleasure as his lips keep leaving their trail on my back.

From my neck, my shoulders, down my entire back, my sides, and all the way to the dip on my lower back, he hasn't missed a spot to kiss.

I cluthed around the pillow tiredly, feeling his body brush and slide against mine as he made his way back up to my neck, and then his entire body pressed against mine. His smooth skin caressing mine as he touches me softly.

'I love you.' He whispers into my ear, pressing his lips to the edge of my ear. 'I adore you.'

I am too tired to even talk, so I just smile, hoping he can see.

His chest was stuck to my back, and his legs to mine. He pushed my leg up bit my bit by moving his own upwards, and then he started kissing my neck in a more seductive manner.

'Jimin... I can't... I can't move anymore.' I chuckle breathily

'I know, my love. Just let me do the work. I'll be gentle.'

He melted away any resistance I had, and pushed slowly inside of me with a breathy, low moan.

His hand ran down my forearm until it reached mine, and he laid his hand on top of mine, threading his fingers between mine as he practically cupped my hand in his. The ring on his finger was pressing right against mine as he held my hand, and I felt like, in this very moment, it was our wedding day all over again. Even more so with the way his silky smooth voice fluttered the words into my ear and my heart.

'An eternity with you wouldn't be enough.'

Not giving me a chance to respond, he squeezed my hand and started moving, slowly rolling his hips into me, his moans warming my neck.

He is right. All the eternities will never be enough of being with him.


I woke up more tired than rested. Even without opening my eyes, I felt like I couldn't move.

I was sleeping on my side, and my body wasn't cooperating in the slightest.

I barely managed to flutter my eyes open slightly, and only because I felt like I was being watched. And I was right.

'Hey.' I gave Jimin a small, sleepy smile as I found him laying right in front of me, contently watching me sleep.

By the looks of it, he's been awake for a while. There is no sign of sleepiness. Instead, his eyes look like they're shining for some reason.

'Good morning, my one and only.' He leaned over, leaving a little, soft kiss on my forehead, and then one on my nose

'Did you even sleep?' I chuckle a little

'Plenty.' He smiles as his hand lays against my cheek, his thumb gently moving over my skin. 'I just couldn't get myself out of the bed. I couldn't look away from you.'

'I have that problem with you a lot.' I smile back in understanding

As much as I could never see myself the way he sees me, I understand what he means, and I will never lessen his view on me. I couldn't because just as he sees me as perfection, I see him as one, too. I can't even come up with a number of mornings or nights where I spent hours just watching him and thinking how lucky I am. 

MERCENARY 2: The Huntdown |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now