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'GOT! IT GOT! IT GOT HIM!!!' Gyumin nearly fell down the stairs as he ran to the living room, carrying some papers in his hands

'What do you got?'

'Shadow! Or better known as Han So Jin!' He was nearly hopping in the spot, proudly holding up a paper with a picture on it. 'Rain's description was spot on! We got him!'

Namjoon got up and took the paper from him, scanning it quickly. 'This? Are you sure?'

'Yeah, yeah. I ran him through the systems and stuff, and it's him. He got into trouble for hacking into a school system when he was 11. That's the only thing on the record, but I don't know many kids who can hack at age 11. AND! AND! I connected him to one of the guys from the Widows that I got on the list.'

'Then you lead with that!' Jin almost yelled at him

'Sorry, sorry. I got excited.' He grins. 'But here. I made one for everyone.' He ran around giving everyone a paper with his information on

'Where is the guy now?' Hoseok asks

'Currently, untrackable.'

'And that grin on your face is because...' Taehyung trails off

'Because there are very very few places in this city where you can go unnoticed. Very few places where you can hide.'

'Kid, can you skip the suspenseful games and tell us where to find him?' Jimin speaks up in that sharp tone, and his grin instantly vanished

'3 possible places. Bunker on the outskirt of Seoul, where the military used to test the weapons and had been abandoned for years and years. Second place would be the old railway in Goyang. It's just on the outskirts of Seoul. And the third would be Widow's hideout, but that, I can't locate just yet. I need a lot more to go off of to be able to find them.'

'Jin, Yoongi, Taehyung. You're with me. We're taking the military base. Jimin, Jungkook, Rain, you're going to Goyang. We take off in 20.'

'Hey! What about me?!' Hoseok whines

'The hell are you gonna do? Bleed on them? Pass gas out of pain?' Jin snorts

'You are to stay still and not move. You're not even close to healing up, and you need to stay hidden. Gyumin, you are going to be our eyes and ears.'

'On it, boss!' He saluted like a soldier and ran off

'The rest, let's move.'


'Ahhh... This brings back memories.' Jungkook giggled in the back seat, leaning between the two front seats to talk to me and Jimin as we were driving over to Goyang. 'Remember the stakeout at the Daegu?'

'Hard to forget when your dick is the main subject of conversation.' Jimin gives him a sarcastic smile, making both Jungkook and me laugh

'I'm just saying, she was telling the truth.'

'Can you not? Just one time?' Jimin whines

'What?! Be proud! I know she is happy.' He snickers at me

'Are you guys talking about Jimin hyung's penis?!'

All three of us froze for a second because we honestly completely forgot about Gyumin being on the line with us. He's connected to everyone from the house, giving us information on where to go and such.

'Don't listen to us, kid.' Jungkook speaks back to him, hearing nothing but giggles in return

'Jimin hyung, if you turn here, you'll get there faster.'

MERCENARY 2: The Huntdown |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now