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We walked into the house together, and I instantly wanted to die laughing. Jungkook was walking around the couch at a hurried pace, his voice rambling on as my name mixed with the cursed slipping from his lips. So he figured it out.

Yoongi and Jin were snickering at him, trying to keep themselves quiet not to piss him off, but Taehyung, Hoseok, Namjoon, and Gyumin didn't even try. They were dying laughing.

'Hello. Problems?' I tease him straight up, grinning at him

'YOU DAMN SPYING CONCEIVING THIEF!' He ran straight for me but stopped when Jimin tossed his bike keys at him

'Oh, my baby!' He hugged the keys, looking at them like they're made of diamonds, then squinted at the two of us. 'If there's a single scratch, I'm killing you both.'

'Your baby is safe and healthy. I was even so nice to fill it up for you.' Jimin chuckles

'How could you kidnap my Celine?!' He yells at me, and the guys lost it even more

'We brought her back, didn't we? That thing is flying.' I kept my amused grin

'It's also a bit sad that you gave it a name.' Jimin trolls

'IT'S A SHE!' Kookie yells back at him. 'Move! I need to see if she's okay.'

He literally ran through us, almost knocking us both down, running between us like a bull through the red flag. He didn't even close the door behind him. Screw that. He ran out in his boxers.

'How much did he panic when he realised?' I ask the guys who were a crying mess

'Oh, I thought he was gonna cry.' Namjoon snorts

'He was hyperventilating for 10 minutes. It was fucking gold!!!' Yoongi pushed it the words through the laughter

'He came running to me and asked me to track you down, then nearly killed me when I couldn't because there's no tracker on his bike.' Gyumin snickered as well

'I know we only stole his, but now I kind of want one.' Jimin mumbles

Jimin. On a bike. With a helmet. Revving the bike. Holding onto his firm body while he glides through the traffic.... Ummm, fucking yes please?!

'Well, I think she agrees with you.' Hoseok laughs as he points at me, making Jimin look at me, a smirk growing on his face. I'm probably drooling.

He gently grabbed my chin, gently pressing his thumb on my lips as he keeps smirking. 'What do you think? Should I get one?'

Using this seductive tone on me is not for me. He had already decided to get it the moment he looked at me. He knows damn well what he's doing, and he knows what I'm thinking.

He tugged on my bottom lip as he let go, all satisfied with the effect he has on me. 'I got my answer.'

'You are fucking lucky my baby is okay!' Jungkook came back and was standing behind us like an angry dad scolding his kids. His hands on his hips, his head slightly tilted as he looks at us.

Jimin and I looked at each other and then at him, and we both started laughing.

'So scary.' Jimin pats him on the shoulder, laughing at him with all his might, with sarcast dripping off every note of his laughter

'Why would you do that? Sis, that was low.' He pouts at me cutely, thinking it's gonna work

'Don't worry, Kookie. I won't steal your keys again. My husband here decided to get one of his own.' I bite my lip a little as I look at Jimin, who only winked back at me.

'Besides the obvious fact that you two got another kink discovered, what was that with the hospital? Gyumin told us you went and saved Josun.' Namjoon asks. 'I thought you went out for a date.'

MERCENARY 2: The Huntdown |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now