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'He's going to kill him.'

Yoongi and I were watching Jimin training Gyumin. Well, beating the shit out of him. He was currently sitting behind him, his bicep squishing Gyumin's face as he held him in a chokehold. He was tossing about with what seemed all his might, and still didn't get out of it. And Jimin didn't let go until he nearly fainted.

'Ready?' Jimin asks him, wiping the sweat off his forehead

'No.' Hyumin grunts

'Too bad.' Jimin went for him again, starting a new fight. And then he knocked him down for a millionth time.

'You get a 2 minute break. And then we're starting again.'

Jimin let go of him and walked off to the corner of the ring, pushing back his hair that was slicked to his forehead with all the sweat. He took the bottle of water and drank nearly all of it, and then spilt the rest of the water on his face, hair, and neck to cool himself down.

The water dripped down from his hair and face on his chest, and all those dropplets of water glided down his honey skin, leaving little glossy roads on his bare stomach. Wish I could lick all that off...

'... anything at all.' I got flicked on the head, and I turned to Yoongi. 'Are you even listening?'

'Sorry, what?'

'I seriously don't get it. How the fuck can you be so damn obsessed with someone? Doesn't the desire fizzle out or something? You didn't have enough?'

'I'm sorry. Have you seen him!?' I ask him like he's the dumbest person alive. 'And fizzle out? It's only getting worse, to be honest.'

'Yes. I can see. You are drooling more than usual.' He snickers

'Jelly old man.' I troll back, getting a little chuckle out of him

'Should we leave them and go shoot some shit? Gotta see if you lost your impecable aim.' He teases more, nudging me lightly

'Never gonna happen. But let's do it.'

One of many Deja Vu's since I've come back here. Going into the shooting range with Yoongi. The same person who "taught" me how to shoot. At least this time, we can skip the tutorial.

We got our weapons, preparing to shoot the targets. He got himself an M-16 and a silenced glock. I got my sniper and my glock as well.

Pulling that trigger on the first shot and smelling the gunpowder as the bullet flew out of the barrel, that alone made me smile from ear to ear. The sound of the sniper rounds echoing all around us is something I haven't heard in a while. At least in here.

'Damn. Still perfect aim.'

'Did you really doubt me?' I smirk and hit another one

'A little. I hoped to smoke you out, but I guess that's not happening.' He laughs

'Not today, buddy. Not today.'

'I'll be right back. You have fun.'


I didn't really bother asking where he's going. I'm having fun here.


'You have your break. We continue in 10.'

I left him lying on the floor, tired of his bullshit. You can't be this bad even if you're faking it. This is incredible. In the worst way.

I heard the shots going off and noticed that Rain and Yoongi weren't here anymore. She must be there.

I made me way out of the ring, and of course, there she was. Sniping away like it's an everyday thing. The gun is probably heavier than her, yet she is having full control. And that aim is something else. Incredible...

MERCENARY 2: The Huntdown |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now