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'This is it.' Jungkook announces as he leans over his steering wheel, looking at the brightly lit Chinese restaurant a few yards ahead.

We got out of the car and made out way over, trying to blend in as much as we could.

It's weekend. Friday evening. The entire place is full inside and outside. People are chatting away and laughing, enjoying the steaming, fresh food in front of them. The entire street smells of the delicious food. Apparently enough for Jungkook to nearly drool.

Ignoring his growling stomach, we scanned the place and located the windows above the said place. It really looks like there is an apartment above the restaurant.

'Got it.' Hoseok calls us over, locating the door on the side of the building

'Very safe.' Jungkook scoffs sarcastically and goes into the dark staricase first, holding his gun firmly in his hand, just in case. I followed after him, and Hoseok went behind us, keeping our backs safe. I actually feel like I have boduguards.

It was pitch dark, and in one moment Jungkook stopped walking up the stairs, probably hearing a sound, and not being able to see him, I smacked my face directly into his ass. Jungkook nearly screeched in laughter, and trying not to die laughing as well, I crouched down, but Hoseok tripped in the darkness and fell somewhere behind me, and ended up smacking into my ass.

And there you have it. 3 assasins. Sitting on the staircase in the darkness. Pissing themselves because we somehow kissed each other's asses. And of course, we couldn't stay quiet, not with Hoseok around, and we completely fucked ourselves over.

Whoever was on the other end of the stairs heard us wheezing and ran out at us, guns up in their hands. The lights turned on, but the guys were so confused as they watched us laugh that they didn't even bother shooting.

'What... the fuck?' One of them muttered

'W-wait a- a -s -second!' Jungkook wheezed, waving his hand at them, wiping his tears

How the fuck are we even alive right now?! I would have shot us without a second thought. But I guess we looked absolutely mental.

'You! The woman!' The same guy pointed at me and it took me a second to figure out who he was. As I wiped the tears away and my vision cleared, I realized it was the guys that I left Josun with.

'Oh, thank fuck. I thought I'd have to fight again.' I calmed myself down and stood up straight. I seethed my gun because I really didn't have the desire to kill anyone right now, and I needed them to relax as well. 'Is Josun here?'

He looked at the guys next to him and they all lowered their guns at his nod, and then he answered. 'Yes. But he's... barely alive.'

'Can I see him?'

Surprisingly, they let us up without any resistance, and lead us down the hallway to a room that had all the windows covered. They made a little makeshift hospital for him. He even has oxygen connected to him, and a mask on his face to help him breathe.

'Has he woken up yet?' I ask

'A few times. But he is mostly asleep. He does seem to be breathing easier. He used to sound like a raspy old machine, but he's getting better. But we can't feed him or anything.'

'Tube feeding, dumbass.' Hoseok clicks his tongue, walking around to Josun and looking at him. 'Get some IV's. That will do it until he can eat on his own.'

'That's what we've done, but we don't know if that helps or not. Plus, we kind of dosed him up on morphine, so he's high as a kite.'

'And you wonder why he's asleep.' Jungkook chuckles quietly

MERCENARY 2: The Huntdown |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now