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I jolted out of my sleep when a firm hand slapped across my cheek, waking me up. It took a moment for the disorientation to fade for me to realise once again where I am.

'Got enough beauty sleep?' Ren smirks

'I wouldn't mind a bit more, to be honest. I was nice and comfortable.' I give him a tight smile, feeling how the thickness of the metal cuffs are slowly but surely cutting into my wrists with my entire body weight pulling me down on them.

It's not just my wrists. I can barely feel my arms. Hanging like this for hours is nothing short of slow torture. Your muscles stretch constantly and lose the strength. The blood doesn't travel up either, so the hands are completely dead. If my wrists weren't hurting, I wouldn't feel a thing. My shoulders are hurting. My back. My legs are slowly starting to cramp because I can't stand on them. I've spent the last 15 hours or so on my tip toes. They took my shoes as well, so my toes are scratched up and bloody as they keep dragging on the rough concrete ground.

'She awake?' I hear So Jin from behind me, and my eyes roll back in annoyance as if on reflex. I can't stomach this guy.

'She sure is.' Ren confirms

'Lovely. Let's have a nice little chat.'

I listened to a dragging sound until he pulled the chair in front of me, sitting down on it. He observed me for a moment, then nodded to himself.

'Let's put her on her feet, why don't we?'

Ren nodded and let the chain a bit down, and my feet finally touched the ground.

I didn't know if it was a good or a bad thing because my legs were hurting and nearly cramping, but at least my wrists are not cutting up at the moment. Although, they only lowered me a few inches, just enough to stand without dangling, but my arms are still above me, chained away securely.

'Rain, Rain, Rain... what am I gonna do with you?' He was clicking his tongue, his eyes moving as he looked me up and down

'If you are not letting me go, then kill me and rid of the misery of listening to you. That would be much appreciated.'

'Ah, not yet. I need some answers from you first, then we can sort you out.'

'Sure. I'll answer, but I need answers in return.'

'You do realize that you are being held captive? Not me.' He raised his eyebrow

'More than realize. I just thought, why not get something in return? You said I'll die anyway. What's answering a few questions gonna do?'

'I suppose upon have a point there.' He chuckles. 'Let's get to it then. I'll even let you go first.' He gestured for me to ask what I wanted to know

'Why didn't you kill me? Why take me?'

'Now, now. That's two questions.' He sarcastically scolds me, twitching his finger at me. 'But I'm so generous, so I'll answer both out of the goodness of my heart.'

Eye roll I've just done nearly gave me a headache. Fucking clown.

'See, you so very conveniently destroyed my father's empire. But that's not what troubled me as much as you killing my brother.'


'But I was never close with my father. Hell, he barely knew I existed outside of using me for my skills. But my brother... he was a good man. What you did to him... He didn't deserve that.'

'A good man?' I scoff. 'Your brother was a pedophile who enjoyed fucking and sex-trafficking teenage girls.'

He got up and slapped me so hard that I leaned to the side and spat some blood out as I ended up biting my cheek.

MERCENARY 2: The Huntdown |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now