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Here we are. In a boxing ring. Facing each other like in the good old days. He's smirking at me from the other side, wrapping his hands with the tape.

He followed the holy  tradition and got rid of his shirt, leaving it to hang over the ring's ropes, and is in nothing but shorts. The waist band of them wrapping around his hips, and hanging just low enough for his V dent to be on perfect display.

I was working on stretching out a little, but mostly watching this glorious man in front of me, parading half naked around the ring. His tanned, golden skin looking like honey under these lights.

He cracked his neck and started walking over, brushing his hair back with both hands. His arm muscles flexed as he raised his hands to do so, and seeing how I was nearly drooling watching him, he just winked at me.

'If you needed to stretch you could have asked.'

'Oh, I didn't. I just thought you needed a bit of your beauty time over there.' I tease

He smiled and stopped in front of me, offering his hand. 'Shall we?'

'Nice try.' I grin and sweep his legs right out, letting him thud down on the ring floor, and the slam echoed all around us.

A loud cheering and applause echoed from the side where the guys were watching like it's a show or a movie. As long as they're entertained...

He grunted lightly, but then started laughing. 'Damn it. Read me like a book.' He used nothing but his legs, lifting them to his head, and using them to propell himself back up, basically jumping up on his feet.

By the time he did it, I already moved away. If I didn't, I'd be trapped under him right now. Been there, done that.

'You alright there, hubby?' I tease

'Thank you for the little power nap. Time for yours.' His smile switched into a dangerous smirk, his eyes glinting with mischief. I'm so dead.

He walked over, cracking his neck one more time, and then went straight for the punch.

It was a mess, a familiar one. I must have kicked him about 20 times, and he must have broken my ribs about 50 times.



His knee kept smacking right into my stomach, knocking my air out. I will throw up if i don't save myself.

I grabbed his knee, and kicked the back of his other one, laying him down on the ground, but him being him, he pulled me down with him, snickering at his success.

The constant whoos, and aaahs and exclaims of concern from the side were the only reminded that we were not alone in here.

I used my knee to kick him in the ribs a few times, making him wince in pain, and then I slapped the shit out of him.

'KICK HIS ASS RAIN!!' Namjoon cheered from the side, getting backed up by the others

'YOU. SHOULD BE. ON. MY SIDE!' Jimin yelled back at them, and then threw me off, trapping me under him

'Stay still.' He was huffing tiredly, but still snickering as he pinned my arms down to the floor, and dug his knees into my thighs. Fuck that hurts.

'Now you're dead.' He grinned, and I prepared to get my ribs kicked out, but instead, he leaned in and started kissing my face all over, fluttering small, tickling kisses all over.

He only stopped when he himself started laughing at me, and couldn't do it anymore, then just collapsed next to me.

'That was fun.' I turn my head to look at him, observing his skin glistening with a coat of sweat, his hair sticking to his face slightly

MERCENARY 2: The Huntdown |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now