'And how does any of that make me the suspect?' Gyumin asked, causing dead silence

'I'm getting to that.' Namjoon spoke softly, trying not to piss him off further

'There is no nice way to put this, so I'll just be blunt. The entire reason we brought you into this house is because we had suspicion to believe that you were with the Widows.'

Gyumin's face contorted from shock and disbelief to scoffing in the said disbelief to pure hurt. 'You must me joking. You... all of you really thought I was the bad guy.'

'Look, we were just trying to protect ourselves. You came out off nowhere with insane skills and right into my arms. That was weird. And then Jimin and Rain for tracked down, and everything started going downhill. And that woman that you're so in love with, she was the one who told us that you're Shadow.'

'Wait, wait, wait...' he raised his hand to stop him, processing Namjoon's words. 'She did?'

'Yes.' I confirm. 'Rain recognised her from that picture you showed us, and it only made it seem like you were working together. She told us how she's pretending to work with you to take you down. Told us how you sounded the house to listen to us. Took us to Han So Jin who kept helping us by finding information and-'

'Take me down? Sounded the house?' He scoffed again, rubbing his face in frustration. 'For fuck sake I made it so no one can ever hear inside this place. I made the security 5 times stronger than it was-' He cut his own rant off, blowing out harshly

'I know you're pissed off, but try to see it from our point. A random guy with insane skills shows up, and whatever we built started crumbling. They knew our every move, and you are with a spy. We needed to protect our group. Our family.'

'I was supposed to be a part of that family!' Gyumin's voice came out as a grown, directed not just at Namjoon, but all of us. 'If only you knew how fucking happy I was when you brought me in. I thought I finally had a place where I could live freely and have someone guarding my back. Man, was I wrong.' He sniffled, wiping his red eyes

It's easy to forget that he's just a kid. Even if we do live with him and see him every day, with the work and all, it slips your mind that he's still half a child. Abandoned one at that. I would say I know how that feels, but I was cut off from my own emotions for a near decade.

'I'm not trying to defend us here. We were clearly wrong, and we fucked up. Big time. But we are not a group of people who trust easily. We are not normal, just in case you missed it. If something poses a threat, we keep an eye on it and eliminate it. And with everything we had, what else could we do?'

'YOU COULD HAVE FUCKING ASKED ME!!!' He punched the door, slamming them against the wall

'Yep. A great idea. Hey, Gyumin. We heard you're the hacker and currently in charge of the Widows, infiltrating us at the moment. That true? Yay or nay?' Yoongi made the question as sarcastic as possible, nearly smiling at him

'Okay, okay. Don't.' Namjoon raised his hand to stop Yoongi's sarcasm, then turned to Gyumin.  'Look. If you want us to bow down and beg for forgiveness, we're not going to do that. We did what we thought we needed to do to protect ourselves, even if it was wrong. We are sorry that we did it. Honestly. But there's nothing we can do to change what happened. The best we can do right now is tell you everything that we kept from you and you can decide what you want to do.'

'What's the fucking point? You didn't trust me a single minute that I spent here. Not one fucking moment.' He grit his teeth, trying to hold back his tears. 'What difference is anything gonna make right now?'

'Your place here is still yours if you want it. This time without secret intent and games.' Jin jumped into it, talking to him in a voice full of empathy

'You're joking, right? You didn't trust me, but you expect me to trust you? To just go back and act like none of this happened? You expect me to just forgive and forget that you treated me like a circus animal behind my back and sweep it under the rug? I don't think so.'

I wouldn't either if I were him. I would kill us on the spot. But right about now, I don't have the will or desire to hold onto my ego.

I walked closer to him, hearing Hoseok telling me not to do anything to him, but that's not why I'm here. I took my knives out, and Gyumin gulped at the sight, nearly taking a step back. But a moment later, it was nothing but silence.

I dropped down on my knees in front of him, letting all of my knives drop down on the cold tile floor next to me.

'They won't ask you to help, but I will.'

Gyumin was looking at me with eyes wide in shock, glancing over at the guys behind me. But I don't care.

'Help me find my wife. Help me get her back, and then you're free to take my life if that's what you want. Do whatever you want with me, but I'm begging you, help me bring her back.'

I bowed down completely, nearly planting my face on the ground at his feet. 'Please. Help me find her. Please help me get her back. Please...'

All I see when I close my eyes is her. All I hear is her voice in my head. And all I am able to do is sob into my my own hands because she's not here, and I don't even know if she's alive or not.

They must have called me multiple times before Gyumin himself tried to pull me off the ground.

'I'll help you, hyung. I'll help you. We'll find her. Just... stop crying. You're creeping me out.'

MERCENARY 2: The Huntdown |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now