Chapter 138

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Mina's P.O.V.
As I did every Wednesday morning, I was on the national morning show for my segment. Today, it'd be different from my usual cultural news. It would be on arts and crafts children can do with their parents on the upcoming spring break. The best thing was that I had little helpers to do them. "To do finger flowers, you have to put paint on the tip of your finger." I helped the two kids on set and did so myself. "Then, you put your finger on the paper, like this." I pressed it and pulled it back. I looked at my mini artists. "Very good! You do that in a circle 6 times." I took one I did earlier. "It looks like this and after, you do a circle in the middle. Ask your parents for help if you need to. You can do as many as you'd like and it looks like a garden!"
The kids showed their work to the camera, a smile plastered on their little faces. We waved and closed the segment. I had the joy to entertain them while their artwork dried. "Your flowers are beautiful, girls! You are so good!"

They seemed pleased. "You like it Miss Mina?"

I smiled. "Very much so!"

The eldest, no older than seven held her paper towards me. "Then, it's for you! My mama said you were going very far soon." I took it. "I miss home when we are not there too."

I looked towards her mother. "Is it alright? It's a nice memory to keep for her."

She chuckled. "Oh please. I have plenty. It makes me happy you'd consider keeping it."

"Then, thank you very much." I opened my arms. "Is a hug alright?" Both kids hugged me. It was so heartwarming to me. "I'll take it with me for sure."
"Ya, Mina! How is it going?"

"Leedo! It's been a while. How's the military treating you?"

He laughed. "Pretty well! It's surprising really. How was the kiddo activity you had this morning?"

Out of all the friends I had, he was the one who knew most about my morning show segments. He was also the one who was more prone to answer his phone, funny enough. "The girls were so nice! I even have a drawing to decorate Joon's apartment he lent me."

"Look at you already decorating!" We shared a laugh. "Is our plan still good? I pick you up at the airport?"

"I told you you did not have to do so! Besides, my plane arrives at 6am. I doubt you'll be able to leave the military base you're at that early, especially if you have to get back there right after. It's quite a ride in Seoul traffic to get to Incheon." He had somewhat minded himself to do so ever since I mentioned when I'd come back.

He denied. "Nah.. Piece of cake! My general will let me out. I barely saw you last time, dongsaeng. We have to catch up!"

Nonsense. "You write to me more than anyone at the moment. Are you that bored?"

"Ya! Don't mess with me, Mina. I'll see you at the airport."

Namjoon's P.O.V.
Finally boarding our flight to Montreal made my heart flutter. Would she be there, at the airport? Would I notice her? How many fans would show up? "Hyung."

My bubble burst as a hand shook my arm. "Hyung! PD-nim said we could get them backstage. Isn't that nice? We could at least see them!"

I nodded and hummed, still deep in thought. She never saw us on tour. I wished to make this possible in her city, to catch her on the crowd cam and have people happily cheering instead of a mixed reaction, but again.. It doesn't mean the fan reaction would change being on her usual playground. I was optimistic for once, I guess. I only hoped I could give her a good time she didn't have. Even if she saw us during comeback season, even if she danced with us back in Seoul. I wanted her part of the world to see it.

I was getting cheesy now, was I? "I think I have an idea."
We made it past security and made our way towards the exit. Flashes blinded us at first, as always, but we got used to it after a minute, waving, smiling. It was somewhat full, yet not crowded. Differently, my eyes scanned the crowd in hopes to see my tall auburn haired girlfriend, but I didn't know if she here to begin with.

Reading my messages in the car, I realized that being away on tour made it so we had a lot to talk about that can't be brought up by text or a short call.

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