Chapter 74

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Namjoon's POV
"So... Why aren't you staying at your hotel?" She asked, pulling the sheets across her chest.

I raised a brow. "Asking that after sex, really? How bad am I?"

She chuckled. Ah.. her little dimple was so cute. "No link, Deities have mercy on me. You're more than great."

Fiou! That was reassuring. "Figured Jungkook would like the room to himself if Meg came over. She is still living with her mom afterall."

She nodded. "Very, very good point! What's the plan today?"

Plan? "No plan! We don't formally film for Seoul in a week. I can do what I want. You could show me your town? And prepare a bag for a few days in Quebec City."

Her eyes reflected stars. "Quebec?! I adore it there! It's soooo pretty! Nice museums too. Here.. there isn't much except restaurants and window shopping."

Why was that a bad thing? I got on too of her. "Then let's dress in our most expensive casual clothes and go window shopping as you say."

She pulled me for a kiss, then pushed me back. "Go put on pants and I'll take you some place nice."

"Dually noted, miss."
I didn't realize even Hyejin had left her a sweater.

I didn't realize even Hyejin had left her a sweater

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Another Gogobebe outfit. She did love that era. As she did with the other sweater, jean shorts were of presence. This time, knee-high boots invited themselves to the ensemble. "I didn't know you owned anything like this."

She fixed them, getting out of the car. "Not much a summer shoe is it?"

I helped her out of her car and we made our way into the shopping center. "What's your favorite shop?"

We balanced our hands as we walked. "Imaginaire. It's the best place for Harry Potter things, manga and board games. I love to see what's there."

She was right. It was indeed an amazing place! Resuming our walk, we passed by a shop selling high-end gowns. Her eyes met with a gorgeous red ball gown. "What's caught your eye?" I asked, wrapping my arms around her from behind.

"Isn't my staring self explanatory? The details are delicate. The satin is exquisite. Dresses of this quality are a work of art, my love."

My love? My love.. I enjoyed that very much. "Do you know of any Canadian designers doing such beautiful work?"

She nodded. "A few, why?"

I'd need a list.

Mina's POV
We were stopped a few times. What felt odd was that sometimes it wasn't for him in the first place. We decided to put masks on. Not common here usually, but with flu season it became more normal since the events of 2020. "I think we should head out. We've been getting more than a few looks for the past 30 minutes."

He checked his watch. "We have been here for 3 and a half hours. I'm surprised you haven't bought a single thing."

I shrugged. "I'm saving for my next trip. Besides, I'm surprised you bought so much."

He had bags from H&M, Pandora, Spring.. "Your collections are different here! Also, Kook's birthday passed and the others have some soon. I figured they'd like jewelry or watches. The shoes are just a nice touch! I'm a sucker for a good pair."

I laughed carrying two of his multiple bags. "I get it, I am so myself. I struggle to find shoes of good quality in my size. However, the ones Kookie oppa got me are lasting quite well."

"Not in need of new ones?"

"My pairs suit me for now." He took out his phone. "What are you doing?"

He smiled through the lense. "Freezing memories in time." He made me laugh. The pictures were quite candid if I say so myself.

I decided to do the same. "You may freeze them, but I'll keep them alive!"

Namjoon's POV
Back at her apartment, a thunderstorm came to her room. At least, so it seemed. "Everything alright in there, Kitten?"

She covered her face. "Stooop.. I melt each time you say that." She dropped on her bed. "I don't know what to bring."

"Ah, the worst lady's closet problem. So many clothes you don't know which to pick."

Her gaze was desperate. "Please help?"

I scattered in her mess. "First, what's the weather gonna be like?"

"Sunny, but windy. 14°C to 20°C. We'll walk a lot too.. There are no subways."

Pants and sneakers would be best.. She could do a decent heel for a while. "Anything you don't want to wear?"

"Anything revealing is out of the question. We're here for sightseeing, not a fancy photoshoot."

Oh, no matter what she'd wear, I'd turn it into a photo session. We managed to fill her suitcase. That was something. Next thing was.. "Where do we sleep?"

Surprisingly, she knew a dog friendly place to go. "The Palace Hotel is a great place! I can pay for it and it's very pretty. You even have a nice view!"

I'd book it before she could argue. She did glare at me, enough to pierce a hole in my back, but I survived.

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