Chapter 15

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Namjoon's POV
"So, what's Schrodinger's cat?" She was all ears, hands pressed against her round cheeks, making them prompt up.

"Schrödinger stated that if you place a cat and something that could kill the cat in a box and sealed it, you would not know if the cat was dead or alive until you opened the box, so that until the box was opened, the cat was both "dead and alive". This is used to represent how scientific theory works. No one knows if any scientific theory is right or wrong until said theory can be tested and proved. So, anything until proven is both true and false."

She nodded. "Interesting. So, if I understand, for example, a person could be said sexless until proven otherwise?"

Pretty much. "In a way? Though, when we are born, isn't it obvious?"

Her biological knowledge fascinated me. "Sex in a reproductive anatomy isn't so simple and binary. Some people are XY, but have a mutation on the Y gene that makes it unable to express itself. That person woud have XY chromosomes, be genetically male, but anatomically female. The question is how do you define being male or female, the parts or the chromosomes?"

I entertained the thought. "Well, the chromosomes no? It's your DNA."

"But that person always assumed they were female, their gender aligned with their reproductive anatomy. Will you make them cross the male box on a governmental file?" Good point. Damn.. "Not everyone gets their genome analysed. I know I have XX chromosomes.. Not everyone does."

She had her DNA analysed? So cool! "True. I mean, at birth they assume from the anatomy so, I guess we came to a consensus for this. It isn't perfectly right, but not all wrong either."

She nodded. "That's why gender is a thing. You may not agree with your anatomy, so is it that important really? It's all a guess until you test all your options."

"It is like the cat! I never thought of it like that." I gave it a second. "It's like people. You never truly know who they are."

She frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Like, you know how.. on the News, when there is a murder, people close to them say they can't believe it because they were so nice? You never truly know a person from the bottom up."

She nodded. "You're right about that, but how can you expect to know everything? If they told you their life story, it's subjective. It's totally biased. Everyone biases themselves to sound as good as they can. I don't say I sometimes sleep without taking my makeup off, you won't tell people you burp unexpectedly after a few drinks at times. It doesn't put us in the best light."

Mina's POV
"Good point. What else are you not proud of?"

He asked that? Really? "Let's see... I leave my empty coffee cup by the couch every day until dinner because I don't care about it. I don't need to wash it or put it away in my own home. I never make my bed, except if I have people over. I can not do my laundry for weeks and let my basket overflow.." A cocky smile on his face. "What about you? What does the grand Kim Namjoon do that can annoy someone?"

"Many things!" A laugh. "I drink straight from soju bottles when I'm alone. I can take too long to take out the trash. I'll take out another bag on the side and fill it because I'm lazy and... Why would I make my bed if I don't have company?"

I shared the giggle. "Sure.. See? No one is perfect. It's the fatality of humanity. Understanding your wrongs and trying to change them is what makes you a more caring one than others."

"How do you think we can tell the genuineness of someone?"

Good question. "I believe, and it might be cliché, that actions speak louder than words and that you can feel when someone is exposing their heart to you. They show how vulnerable they can be. They let you into the good and the bad of their life, like... How I would tell you that I twisted my wrist working on a choreography for my next competition, so I'm with a brace for a month. Needless to say, I will not try that one hand stand again soon."

He seemed genuinely concerned. "Did it hurt? Sure you're okay?"

I smiled. "See? People with good hearts show it. I'm fine. I winced, pretty hard, but I'm okay. I can still practice."

Namjoon's POV
That was a good thing. It was sweet she thought I had a kind heart. What my hyung wondered was whether she did. Putting that seed of doubt in my head was enough to drive me mad at time. What if I couldn't read people in that way? To me, she was one of the most genuine people I knew. Could it ever be a front? I'd still defend her until proven otherwise. Besides, I know Suga hyung bought something. We share the PO box, idiot.

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