Chapter 38

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Mina's POV
There was a knock on the door as I jumped in the shower. When they started speaking, I knew it was a worst case scenario type of situation. "Why are you here? Couldn't this be a call?"

"Why did you send me that recording? I hope it was just for fun. She's not a singer." I knew that voice. I heard it the least.

"I was sending it to my studio. I didn't click the right address, hyung.  Besides, the guys do it all the time with their S.Os. Hobi hyung amd Moonbyul noona do it all the time." A pause. "I wanted to try something and work on it in the studio. It's not a demo. It's a tester. Why do you care?"

"You're different. I can't tell if it's her or the military." He got angrier. "Who's dog is this?" I closed the shower. "She's here isn't she? I thought you said she got a hotel. She's staying here? You lied to me! Are you crazy?"

Namjoon switched to Japanese and I could no longer understand much of the conversation. Smart man.. He remembered.

Namjoon's POV
"I'm a f*cking grown man. I can do what I want. If having my friend over is wrong, then beat me!" I was at my wits end.

He took a step. "Ohhhh. We both know she's not just your friend anymore is she? The interview. It was so obvious to me when you interjected. What did you do? Kiss? Be intimate? With a girls you don't even see half the time?"

"Shut up hyung! Kissing is all we did if it matters that much to you. I may not see her often, but she makes me happy. I see the world under a new lense. I'm more creative. Isn't that good?" I argued.

"If you get too high, you won't be able to catch your fall, Namjoon."

"I can hear you." We turned around. She spoke Japanese? No. No, she didn't. The surprise was enough to make us stop. She was dressed, arms crossed. Hangul came back. "Look. I know you don't like me Yoongi-ssi and you don't have to, but Namjoon deserves your respect. You've been friends for ages. I won't ask of you to become friends with me, but I think not insulting me without knowing me is a minimum." He opened his mouth, but she raised her finger. "Sorry, but I'm not done." That was impressive. The lack of anger in her voice was both chilling and brilliant. "If you have something to say, you can say it to me. I can speak. I can fight my own battles. As far as I know, you're not actually upset at him. You're upset with me. However, no matter what I'll do, I know it won't be the right thing, so the least you can do is say it to my face in a language I understand."

To my surprise, my hyung was leaning against the closed door, smirking. "You're done? I can speak?" She nodded. "Thank you." A pause. "I want to apologize for talking badly about you behind your back. It's true that I don't personally know you. You seem to have a great head on your shoulders and you are pretty witty. That's gonna be useful if you plan on staying with him. The Kpop world is not very nice to the people involved with their dear Idols you know." He sat on the edge of the couch. "I've been a f*cking ass and I know it. I wasn't that upset. I wanted to see how he'd deal with it. I'm his friend. I think if I don't agree with a relationship, it's worse than the media not agreeing. I wasn't sure about you at first. I didn't like this at all. You came so out of the blue, but you do deserve my respect and you have it. You stood up for yourself, for him.. You didn't impose yourself harshly at practice. You waited by the door instead of entering which you could have. You understand what privacy is.." He extended his hand. "Mind forgiving me?"

She didn't take it. She bowed down a full 90° angle. "Thank you, thank you very much. Tho, I think other apologies come before the ones you want to make to me." She straightened up and pointed at me. "He dealt with your behavior everyday."

He gave me a half smile. "She's right. She's far from childish, huh." He rose his hand for a handshake. "Forgiven?"

I grabbed his hand and hugged him instead. "Yeah, I'm sorry too."

"If you want to come back for lunch, Kook oppa is coming over since I'm cooking a couple of dishes." How nice could she be? He had berated her all these months, called her a manipulator, a gold digger, a fake person.. and now she offered him lunch? Wow.

"I'd love that." He pulled out his keys, keychain showing. "You make nice stuff by the way. I'll see you later."

When the door closed, I didn't know what to say. Mina laughed, her hands slowly making their way around my waist. "I told you he couldn't be that mad for no reason. You didn't believe me."

"That was so hot." Her chuckling stopped. A little what escaping. "Being assertive like this? I never saw a woman do that before. And you did it not just for you, but for me too. It's so attractive." I lifted her chin up. "You and me. Dinner, only the two of us. It's a date."

Her lips met mine, as assertive as she had been as she spoke earlier. They stayed more than a few seconds, then parted. "It's a date then."

I didn't keep it to myself this time. "You're such a damn tease."

She smiled. "Oh, trust me, I know."

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