Chapter 59

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Mina's POV
I never came here. Was it the right address? I buzzed the unit number. "Yeah?"

I waved at the camera. "It's Mina. I'm at the right place?"

"Yes, yes! Come in! Everyone is here."

I took the elevator. It wasn't as huge of a complex, but it was still impressive. As I got out, I saw a head peaking out of an apartment. "In here, in here!"

"Thanks for having me over, Hyejin eonni. It's very pretty." I wasn't lying. It was well decorated.

She grinned. "Put the slippers on and join us!"

They were all sitting around the living room table. "Why are there bags on the couch?"

"Girl, we won't talk about that yet! Sit down next to your favorite eonni!" Why were they so happy?

"Did you get good feedback from the concerts? What's up with your faces?" I laughed.

"Of course we got great feedback! We wanted to celebrate your interview back home with you! It's a big deal." Moonbyul said opening the food containers.

It warmed my heart. "That's so nice! You didn't have to. It's not huge." Well, to me it was, but for them it was a common thing.

Hwasa nudged me. "Not huge? Eonni told us how excited you were. You chewed her ear off about it."

The one concerned commented. "Yeah, Namjoon told me how you jumped around and grinned like an idiot."

I was so embarrassed! I covered my face. "Dear Lord.."

Wheein took my hands off my face. "You're adorable! Come on. Eat up before it gets cold!"
"We actually have something for you." The eldest eonni admitted.

Because of my interview or because of the show? "That was not necessary, really.. Spending time with you is enough!"

The one I was closest to opened a bag. "We know. We don't care. First of all, you forgot these." She gave me the ten costumes from the shows. "You won't work with us on this tour again. They won't be used again so you have to take them!" A nice way of saying my measurements were too big to be of use to anyone, but I was self-aware enough to know that was true.

Or just to be nice! Don't spin this up, Mina. "No way! Really? Thank you so much! I can use this for competitions!"

The hug was so sweet and comforting. "You're welcome cutie. We're not done!"

"What?" I turned to Hyejin eonni. "We had some sweaters we don't wear anymore and they're very baggy so they could make a dress on you." She pulled one out. "See? With nice leggings or jeans too! It's a lot colder where you live so we thought it could help you dress the part. What do you think?"

I was genuinely about to cry. "There's 8 in there.. All for me? I can't thank you enough."

She opened her arms. "We only accept hugs and soju as paiement."

Sharing a laugh and hugs made me think of something. "I never had girl nights like this at home." I had two girl friends home, but we managed to meet once in a blue moon. It was always time to catch up.

That caught Solar's attention. "That can't be! How about we do guessing games, karaoke, random play dance? Take lousy pictures and low quality videos!"

Boy were we all for it. We were all dressed in comfortable clothes, mostly old rock band shirts with biker shorts, with horribly made buns in our hair. That kind of vibe!

Namjoon's POV
"Hyung! The chat keeps dinging!" Kookie complained. "What the hell are the girls doing?"

I opened the group chat and saw tons of pictures of them.

I opened the group chat and saw tons of pictures of them

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"It's girls' night!" I replied showing him

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"It's girls' night!" I replied showing him. "I'm glad she's having fun." They just spoke of whatever light fun things they wanted.. gossip, make cookies, party up on karaoke. No wonder she felt it was a dream. Started from a city 16h of flight away with no strings to us except liking our work to having them as friends. It was improbable, but not impossible. "Is everything good for tomorrow?"

He nodded. "Yup! We have 3 tables reserved. It's gonna be so fun! I hope she likes it."

I very much hoped so too.

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