Chapter 27

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Mina's POV
I woke up, Meg on my side, in a room I recognized. I fixed my joggers, got out of the room, door closed behind me. In the main bedroom, it wasn't who I thought was gonna be there. Jk? I made my way to the living room to see my friend, pouting at his computer, big glasses on, messy longer hair like he had 2 years ago. "It's 6am. What are you doing up?"

He glanced up his screen. "Could say the same thing to you. Take a seat.." I did. "We got here at one. I'm surprised you're up."

I leaned in to look at what he was doing. "Don't you like doing music with many screens?"

He chuckled to himself. "I do. Suga hyung asked me to take a look yesterday. I didn't do it so I'm doing that now in hopes he doesn't notice."

I left my head against his shoulder. "He's so gonna be pissed. Not at you. At me for making you accompany us."

He shrugged. "Maybe, but I can put the fault on Kookie." We shared a laugh. "I still have a little to do. You can stay like this, just no distractions okay?"

I nodded and closed my eyes. "Got it.."

Namjoon's POV
I handed her a cup of coffee. "You're leaving in 3 days already? I feel I barely saw you at all."

She smiled, eyes on her cup. "I know. I wish I could come back soon. Comeback isn't the best season to meet, huh?"

That was true, but I was glad she came. "When can you come back?"

A deep sigh. Her fingers rubbed against the cup. "Not until fall for sure. Maybe even winter. I have my last competition. April and May are my biggest months for orders. My artist friend wants more pieces. July and August are the festivals. Last two weeks of July and two first of August are big. I perform, many times. I already have a lot of orders on hold on my already made jewelry. Also.. I'd like to bring my dog next time. My mother is kind enough to watch him at the moment, but she won't do it again. I'd like to hike with him or find places to run for him here. That's expensive. I have to pay for an extra seat for him, an extra in hostels... Sure tickets are 1000$ now for economy, but 2000$ and he has to stay in a very small space, seated? I'd have to at least get business class. That's not as cheap. Also, I have to get myself a new car soon. My 2016 Chevrolet is not gonna last me another year."

Busy, needs a new car, wants to bring her dog.. It's mature of her. "Responsibilities first, it's alright. We'll still be able to chat. After the season I won't be as busy." What could I do? I knew what I wanted to do, but some would think I'd have gone mad.

She changed the subject. "Think the others remember last night?"

Them? "Do you?"

She pouted and slapped my arm. I deserved that. "I do! Well... Most of it."

That's what I thought. How much? "Last thing you recall?"

We did nothing shocking or inappropriate. Our friends tho.. "I remember walking out of the place. Last thing we talked about was about dancing? Blurry a little."

I had to laugh. "Pretty good. Pretty good." So.. the hugging, the closeness at the club, she knew? "I said to check your new Instagram messages because Byul eonni wanted to ask you something."

She grinned. "Really? I'll check that." She pulled out her phone. "Watch a dance practice? Older songs for a warm-up before they plan their tour? Sounds fun! I'm in."

She was friends with some of my friends. I was so glad. Besides, I had no merit she was dating Hobi hyung afterall. He had to have talked her ears out. "When?"

"Tomorrow." She met my gaze. "Not gonna see you until we leave do we?"

I was so busy the next few days. Lots of performances and TV shows... I checked my watch. "Let's leave the drunk asses alone and grab breakfast shall we?"

She didn't make me beg.
We balanced our hands as we walked. "When you talked about Meg and Jungkook sunbaenim you had that crazy smile on your face. What's up with that?"

Right.. "You had your back to them all night. At some point they got reaaaaally close and a bit kissy."

She stopped dead in her tracks. "What? No way!"

"I doubt they'll remember anything. We dragged their butts into the taxi."

Kookie wasn't as reserved as I could be. What he wanted to do, he did. With consent of course, but I thought too much to his taste. She turned to me. "If they lower their inhibition when drunk... What type of drunk are you?"

What question was that? "Not the Kookie type for sure. I grow more quiet and want to take it easy. Go sit at our table, talk in a calmer way."

She nodded. "That's why we got to the booth when they went to the dancefloor. They're noisy. I'm like that too."

How much alike can we be? "Mina, I'll do all I can to take you to the airport okay?"

It came out of nowhere. She both frowned and smiled. "I'd love that, but don't beat yourself up if you can't. It's life."

Yeah... It was my life.

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