Chapter 36

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Mina's POV
I bowed down. "Thanks for having me here again."

My new friend fluffed my hair. "Ya~ don't be so formal with us! You're so cute I just want to eat you up."

Wheein laughed. "You're taken, Byuly. Leave her be." I rose up and she grabbed my hand. "Want to learn a song that's not out yet?"

Oh, dear me. "Can I?"

"You'll have to." Moonbyul eonni said searching in her bag. "If you want to, of course." She handed me something. "In two weeks, we do three shows in Seoul. Want to be a backup dancer for us? 3 numbers. Test it out?"

It was a bomber jacket. A reversible one. One side, mostly black with Mamamoo dancer written on. The other side, pink. My name written. I couldn't speak for a moment. "You're kidding... You're offering me?"

She chuckled. "We're offering. You refused to accept a pay for the test earrings for me. You sent all of us earrings. You're good. We're missing dancers. I thought it'd be a nice thing to do."

"Goodness... Yeah! I'll do it. I'm happy to! Thank you so much."

She rolled her eyes. "I accept hugs you know." She opened her arms and I hugged her. I ended up hugging all of them. After I put the jacket on, Solar directed us towards practice. The choreographer came to see how it was going and next week they'd have a practice with the dancers. I'd get to attend that too.
"How did you two meet anyway? I get you're Hoseok's friend, but how?" Wheein asked.

Moon pointed at herself. "I heard from her from my boyfriend, but she was friends with Namjoon first."

"It was crazy circonstances. I was lost and he was the only one there to ask for directions. He was nice enough to bring me to the museum I was looking for and he decided to go himself." I explained. "We kept talking and became friends."

Hwasa bit her cheek. "He has, huh? He does have a type."

I tilted my head. "What do you mean?"

Solar glared at her. "Be nice."

The one concerned shrugged. "I am." We all sat down. "You know how... Jackson dates nonchalant girls, either very sexy looking women or foreign girls?" I heard about that, but I didn't know. "Or Kim Kibum. He does the same, more on the sweet side tho." She looked at me. "You'd be his type."

"Key? He's 10 years older than me. He's an amazing dancer, handsome, but I can't be that guy's type."

Wheein choked on her water. "He dated younger than you once."

No way.. Hwasa went on. "Guys have a type. Namjoon's type is special ladies." I frowned. They glared. "It's true. Sunmi, Somi, Jessi... All have something different. Somi looks foreign, Sunmi is the sexy type which is not conventional, Jessi is foreign and looks curvy. All something out of the Korean beauty standard. Other than you being foreign, I don't know how you fit."

Solar slapped her hand. "Hey. Girls he dated fit the standards. Just because you fit part of the type you think he has doesn't mean he has one."

I whispered to my friend and mentor. "What are they talking about?"

"He didn't tell you? Hyejin and him dated for a few months in 2018. I'm surprised she's still bitter about it."

He had? I nodded. "Ah.. Why did they break up?"

"She's flirty in nature. She did so with Baekhyun and Loco. He got a bit jealous, but I get why. It wasn't just her being nice." She explained.

Oh. Hwasa, Hyejin went on. "He's so jealous too. I couldn't talk to male friends. Anyway.. you're friends so you don't have anything to worry about."

I acted like I didn't get the memo. "I guess so." I change the subject. "You said other than being foreign I kind of fit the standards? I thought I was the complete opposite."

Wheein chuckled. "I thought you'd bring it up. You're tall and your nose is not what companies want and you're considered curvy here. A bit like Hyejin really."

Solar went on. "But you have like... Doe eyes? Soft and sweet, almond and round at the same time? You wear K-Style makeup and it fits you well! Your style fits with ours here. Your hair is well taken care of. You have heart lips like some girls want! I think that's what she means."

Right, at home, I was considered skinny. Here, I was curvy. I don't have much of a chest, but I have a wide rib cage, tiny waist and hips as wide as my ribs... Even a bit more. "Mina, right?" The one who dated Joon said. I nodded. "Ever thought of getting a nose job?" The others gasped. "Not in a mean way! Goodness, ladies.. We all refused to do so when we started. Is there anything you don't like you'd change?"

Straight to the heart huh? "If I did, maybe my nose, but it's part of me. I wouldn't change that." They started gossiping about who got surgery in the industry and Moonbyul managed to get me out of there.

"I really hope she didn't get under your skin. She's a nice person." She apologized.

It did shake me a little. I denied. "It's alright, she's a chatter! More than me at least. See you before next practice? Food on me okay?"

A small hug. "We'll see about that. See you then!"

Namjoon's POV
I was playing with her dog when she came in. "Hey! How was it?"

She seemed to be grinning, but I don't know why, it wasn't the same. "Practice went well! I was part of it. I have a bit of work now." She took her jacket off and gave it to me. "Three shows, 3 numbers. Can you believe it?"

Really? That was amazing! "I'm so excited for you! I'll get a ticket for sure now. What about the earrings?"

"We'll talk about them over a meal soon." I never imagined what came out of her mouth. "What I couldn't believe though was that you never told me you dated Hyejin. Knowing I was hanging out with them."

Oh sh*t. "I can explain."

She dropped her bag in the guest room. "You were jealous because she talked with Loco and another guy. She's flirty, Moon eonni told me, but still."

I stopped her. "Moonbyul doesn't know everything." I walked up to her. "She didn't just flirt with Loco. She's a flirt. I know that. MC's ask questions about dating to her all the time. We were not public. It was a 5 months thing. Loco texted me when he learned she and I were together. She cheated. She kissed him outside of work. They didn't kiss for their music video. She told me otherwise. She's not a bad person. We don't agree on what cheating is. I set my boundaries. She crossed them."

Mina didn't seem as upset as she sounded. "It's a game of trust isn't it. Have you gotten jealous of my guy friends?"

"Stef? Not at all. You're getting hugs from my friends. You call them oppa. It's the right thing to do. They're honorifics. You're comfortable with them. That's better than what I could ask for." I held her hand. "I get little fits of jealousy, like wishing I was the one getting the hug, but I'm not a teenager anymore."

Another thing I didn't expect was a kiss. "We're on the same page then. I was a bit upset by what she said, but there are 3 sides to a story. Their side, your side and the truth. Knowing both sides, the truth is somewhere in the middle."

I reciprocated the kiss and it went on... And on.. "So, you're fine with this?"

She chuckled. "It was 8 years ago. What can I do about that? Throw a tantrum?"

My forehead pressed against hers. "Being a bit jealous would be nice."

"She asked me if I thought about getting a nose job. Not jealous you two dated." I laughed. "At least she's pretty nice."

I don't know why, but the way she acted lighted a little flame inside of me. A good one. I didn't stop kissing her until she mentioned food. I was starving too.

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